tmux-plugins / vim-tmux-focus-events

Make terminal vim and tmux work better together.
MIT License
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Doesn't seem to do anything #25

Open adityadesaha opened 4 years ago

adityadesaha commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm using this plugin on arch linux, with neovim 0.4.3, and tmux 3.0, on st. I installed this plugin using vim-plug, exactly as the instructions directed, and have set -g focus-events on on .tmux.conf. But the plugin doesn't seem to be doing anything at all.

running :set <F24> results in Key code not set: <F24> error. Am I doing something wrong?

wookayin commented 4 years ago

call nvim_input("<F24>") to simulate keypressing of <F24>.

See #1 for the discussion; it seems that neovim does not need this plugin at all.

Federico-Ciuffardi commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem, I tried with the latest version of st and did the test described on and failed but worked in alacritty (both the test and the FocusGained autocmd) so I suppose that st is the problem.