tmux-python / tmuxp

🖥️ Session manager for tmux, build on libtmux.
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Implements `if` conditions for pane and window #942

Open soraxas opened 1 month ago

soraxas commented 1 month ago

Closes #741

This implements both shell and python conditions.

session_name: if conditions test
  Foo: 'false'
  show_htop: 'true'
  # the following would not shows up as it evaluates to false
  - window_name: window 1 ${ha} $Foo
      shell: ${Foo}
      - shell_command:
          - echo "this shouldn't shows up"
      - echo neither should this $Foo
  - window_name: window 2
      # should not shows up
      - if:
          python: 1+1==3
          - echo the above is a false statement
      # no if conditions
      - shell_command:
          - echo no condition
          - python -m http.server
      # display by default, but can be disabled by running `show_htop=false tmuxp load .....`
      - if: ${show_htop}
          - echo the above is a true statement (by default), but can be disabled on-demand
          - htop

In the example, by default, show_htop=true, but since it's a shell variable, it can be override by user. Hence, use can on-deamnd customise their pane/window configuration by

tmuxp load examples/if-conditions.yaml


show_htop=false tmuxp load examples/if-conditions.yaml

which will have different behaviour, for different use-cases

CLAassistant commented 1 month ago

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All committers have signed the CLA.

soraxas commented 1 month ago

I've expanded the approach, where shell now refers to actual shell expressions, for expressions like:

[ 5 -gt 1 ]


echo ${MY_ENV} | grep foo

The shell_var now refers to just testing for variables.

python now supports statements (using eval only supports expression, so 1+2>=3 works but not import sys; 1+2>=3). Instead, We can use exec and extract the results (from the last expression) afterwards.

soraxas commented 4 weeks ago

Yes I also partially agree that the use of eval and supprocess tends to be discourage (especially when we are executing unsanitised user input); therefore I did put comments on stating the potential danger within this approach in previous revision.

However, the more I think about it, the more I reckon that the nature of tmuxp or other similar tools like tmuxinator might render these concerns a bit pointless. The fact is, tmuxp will already be executing arbitrary commands based on the given list of shell_command.

From my point of view,

  1. The use of subprocess to evaluate shell output shouldn't be of concern, as it's not too different than what tmuxp is designed to do (execute arbitrary commands to setup workspace).
  2. My only potential concern is using eval / exec for python statements, for the fact that they are executing inside the python interpreter, and they might change the internal state inside tmuxp (e.g. they can modify some variables within tmuxp).
    • Perhaps this concern can be eliminated by evaluating the python statement inside a subprocess as well (to isolate the effect)? We can probably re-export the environment variable to the subprocess Python to achieve the same effect.


Can you think of any other software projects that have declarative configurations directly execute code? 1

Aside from the examples that you have given (many of which just execute any commands given without any security measure), my experience with direnv is that it requires user to explicitly opt-in when encountering a new .envrc file.