tmyroadctfig / icloud4j

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Issue with the rawDownloadUrlToken within the DriveNode class #10

Open tibexl opened 4 years ago

tibexl commented 4 years ago
    // E.g. "v=2:t=AQAAAABXzO24CYflBW2JwysxyUEL9KxRNoEX1Qk~"
    Map<String, String> authMap = Splitter.on(":").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator("=").split(rawDownloadUrlToken);
    downloadUrlToken = authMap.get("t");

When connecting I receive a URL then that is formatted as following which obviously breaks the withKeyValueSeparator method. // E.g. "v=2:t=AQA==AAABXzO24CYflBW2JwysxyUEL9KxRNoEX1Qk~"