tnagler / VineCopula

Statistical inference of vine copulas
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Differences between CDVine and VineCopula? #73

Closed schrnstn closed 4 years ago

schrnstn commented 4 years ago

Dear developers of this package, first and foremost I want to thank all of you for the effort you put into the development of R copula packages.

Are there any functional differences in the copula implementations between the CDVine and VineCopula packages?

Our background is as follows:

Best wishes and thanks a lot for your time.

tnagler commented 4 years ago

VineCopula is pretty much a strict superset of CDVine. The latter is only designed for C- and D-vines, VineCopula can handle general R-vines (including C- and D-vines) and has a lot of additional convenience/functionality. For that reason, the CDVine package returned the following message on startup since around 4 yers:

The CDVine package is no longer developed actively.
Please consider using the more general VineCopula package
which extends and improves the functionality of CDVine.

It's usually quite easy to convert CDVine code into VineCopula code using VineCopula::D2RVine() and VineCopula::C2RVine(). In ESGtoolkit, I could only find CDVineSim to be used. Here's an implementation of that function that requiring only the VineCopula package:

CD2RVine <- function(family, par, par2, type) {
  # solve length(family) = d * (d - 1) / 2 for d
  d <- (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(family))) / 2
  type <- c(CVine = "CVine", DVine = "DVine")[type]
         "CVine" = C2RVine(1:d, family, par, par2),
         "DVine" = D2RVine(1:d, family, par, par2),
         stop("Vine model not implemented."))

CDVineSim <- function(N, family, par, par2 = rep(0, length(family)), type) {
  RVineSim(N, CD2RVine(family, par, par2, type))

CD2RVine() can be reused all over the place.

ulf85 commented 4 years ago

The main functionality is written in C. In particular, the underlying bivariate copola functions. And the C code is the same in both packages. In VineCopula there are some new functions and of cause the functionality for the general vine. And as @tnagler already mentioned we have right from the beginning wrapper function for CDVine functions.

schrnstn commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for your quick reply and further explanations. This is very helpful for us.