tnc-ca-geo / PLW

Protecting Land and Waters Analysis - Project Management
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combined FW biodiversity assessment #34

Open cschloss opened 5 years ago

cschloss commented 5 years ago

FW diversity (spatially): The union of all freshwater systems habitat data (e.g. vernal pools, wet meadows, riparian woodland and scrub) will get the freshwater biodiversity value of the HUC 12 it intersects with.

Action Item: CS will get the freshwater systems data from Kurt F.

How will freshwater biodiversity data be represented? Split freshwater data into taxonomic groups - take percent threshold cutoff from each group Explore cutoffs for reshwater species - maybe 40%, DC suggested 80% for some fish species that may be very impreiled Open question: GDEs will these be on the terrestrial side as rare habitats? the freshwater systems habitat? Or freshwater diversity?

Action Item: CS will make a combined biodiversity map with different cutoffs which we can review together

cschloss commented 5 years ago

Data sources: N:\Projects\CA_FWA\gdbs\CA_FWA_Systems_V1_3.gdb N:\Projects\CA_FWA\gdbs\FWA_v2_0_8.gdb Script for summary: "N:\Projects\CA_FWA\scripts\FWA_v2_sumaries.ipynb"

cschloss commented 5 years ago

First removed all 'artificial' systems (in Arc)

cschloss commented 5 years ago

Also removed 'Ice' systems (there were two) from the sys_poly (in R code)

cschloss commented 5 years ago

Notes from: 4/3/19

Here is the link to the deck we worked through today:

Let me know if I missed capturing any of the action items below:

Actions Items: Systems CS will send JH a link to the systems data so JH can advise on what artificial systems should be included as a part of the ‘footprint’ for assigning diversity value CS will send a table of systems to JH so that JH’s team can assign Fish, Mollusks, or Crusts to particular systems so that HUC12 value for each taxonomic group will ONLY be assigned spatially to appropriate system footprints. Species subsets CS will drop inverts from this analysis and will instead look into the raw data to see if it can be used as observations to supplement the CNDDB observation data. CS will look at the methods documentation to determine how Imperiled were assigned or to see if there is the option of using summarized richness subset by a GRank threshold, if not, we will not use Imperiled as a subset Threshold CS will stratify by HUC8 not Ecoregion to supplement statewide richness We will continue with the thresholds (top 20% statewide, top 10% endemics, top 5% of each ecoregion for all species, top 5% of each ecoregion for endemics). Potentially we will tighten the statewide threshold for all species to just the top 10%. We will review both options at next meeting.

Parking Lot • How do we want to incorporate GDEs? • How will we incorporate system representation – specifically, important systems that are in the bottom 80% of richness so they are not lost (seeps/springs, wetlands, vernal pools).