@postfalk - I just merged your PR and deployed it to the dev environment, and while all the tests passed, processing cuddelink emails via dropping them into the s3 bucket produces the following error:
[ERROR] UnboundLocalError: local variable 'cam_id' referenced before assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/serverless_sdk/__init__.py", line 144, in wrapped_handler
return user_handler(event, context)
File "/var/task/lambda_cache/caching_logic.py", line 30, in inner_function
return func(event, context)
File "src/handler.py", line 88, in handler
for image in camera.images():
File "src/cameras.py", line 89, in images
exif_data = self.format_and_merge_exif_data(extra_data=extra_exif)
File "src/cameras.py", line 145, in format_and_merge_exif_data
if cam_id:
Is that something that should have been caught in the tests?
@postfalk - I just merged your PR and deployed it to the dev environment, and while all the tests passed, processing cuddelink emails via dropping them into the s3 bucket produces the following error:
Is that something that should have been caught in the tests?