tnc-ca-geo / animl-frontend

A frontend web app for viewing & labeling camera trap data by The Nature Conservancy.
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Secondary review: retired images tier #137

Closed nathanielrindlaub closed 8 months ago

nathanielrindlaub commented 1 year ago

I think the simplest solution to the need for a secondary, "expert" review tier may be to implement a concept of "retiring" an image, which would be a special action only Project Managers could take & would apply to entire Images, rather than individual objects. I imagine you'd want to display retired state in the images table as well as enable filtering by retired / not retired status.

Project Managers could then use their own discretion to decide what images they thought ought to be retired (if any) for their own use-case. For SCI Biosec., Juli might create a View that's all reviewed images with rodents in them that are not retired, and use that as her queue of new images she needs to perform a final pass on and retire them (confirmed rodents & not rats).

I think it would be fairly straight forward to implement. On the backend, we'd need to:

On the frontend, we'd need to:

nathanielrindlaub commented 1 year ago

Think about whether we need this now or will #138 suffice.

nathanielrindlaub commented 8 months ago

I think #138 will solve for this in a more flexible way. Closing out.