tneotia / html-editor-enhanced

A Flutter package that provides a WYSIWYG editor backed by flutter_inappwebview and the Summernote library.
MIT License
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How to save in a database , the content of an html editor ? [QUESTION] #480

Closed Mouss94 closed 7 months ago

Mouss94 commented 7 months ago

Hello ! I use flutter and iam testing the great html_editor_enhanced library . Could you explain me the different steps , i need to follow to save the content of an html_editor_enhanced page . I would like to save the text and images in the database. I would like to use Firestore/firebase as database .

Thank you for your help

graemep-nz commented 7 months ago

Images are encoded as base64 text within the html so the whole thing is just one big text file. Firebase firestore database has a limit of 1MB document size so if the size of the text was more than 1MB you would need to split it up or use a different database. - or keep the html doc in cloud storage and link to it from the database.

Mouss94 commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much , it's clear for me . May be if i pay i can store more than 1 mb per document . Have a great day , thank you again .I will close this question .