tnfe / FFCreator

A fast video processing library based on node.js (一个基于node.js的高速视频制作库)
MIT License
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部分tts配音和背景音乐融合后声音会忽大忽小 #434

Open zjqiudan opened 1 month ago

zjqiudan commented 1 month ago


经过四次测试 1)附件的背景音乐+配音,生成后的视频在第17秒时声音变小 2)如果换掉背景音乐 不换配音,问题存在 3)如果换掉背景音乐 换掉配音,问题不存在 4)如果不换背景音乐 换掉配音,问题不存在


`const path = require('path'); const colors = require('colors'); const startAndListen = require('./listen'); const { FFCreatorCenter, FFScene, FFAlbum, FFSubtitle, FFText, FFImage, FFCreator, } = require('../');

const createFFTask = () => { const bg = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/bg/04.jpeg'); const img1 = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/album/06.jpeg'); const img2 = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/album/05.jpeg'); const img3 = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/album/04.jpeg'); const img4 = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/album/03.jpeg'); const img5 = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/album/02.jpeg'); const logo = path.join(dirname, './assets/imgs/logo/logo2.png'); const font1 = path.join(dirname, './assets/font/font1.ttf'); // const tts = path.join(dirname, './assets/audio/tts.wav'); const tts = path.join(dirname, './assets/291ae4e6782fc11f84b59d83017df9be.wav'); const outputDir = path.join(dirname, './output/'); const cacheDir = path.join(dirname, './cache/'); const audio = path.join(__dirname, './assets/Getaway.mp3');

// create creator instance const width = 576; const height = 1024; const creator = new FFCreator({ cacheDir, outputDir, width, height, debug: false, });

creator.addAudio({ path: audio, loop: true });

// create FFScene const scene1 = new FFScene(); const scene2 = new FFScene(); scene1.setBgColor('#fc427b'); scene2.setBgColor('#019333');

// add image album const album = new FFAlbum({ list: [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5], x: width / 2, y: height / 2, width: width, height: 384, showCover: true, // 默认显示封面 }); album.setTransition('fadeInLeft'); album.setDuration(2.5); scene1.addChild(album);

// add title text const text = new FFText({ text: 'FFCreator字幕DEMO', x: width / 2, y: 150, fontSize: 40 }); text.setColor('#ffffff'); text.setBackgroundColor('#019333'); text.addEffect('fadeInUp', 1, 1); text.alignCenter(); text.setStyle({ padding: 10 }); scene1.addChild(text);

// add logo const flogo2 = new FFImage({ path: logo, x: width / 2, y: 60 }); flogo2.setScale(0.6); scene1.addChild(flogo2);

// add audio to scene1 scene1.addAudio(tts);

// subtitle const title = // '跟计算机工作酷就酷在这里它们不会生气能记住所有东西还有它们不会喝光你的啤酒。计算机就跟比基尼一样省去了人们许多的胡思乱想。'; '如果你从未,体验过优质工装,你会怎么样,优质工装,工作更舒适,耐磨面料,持久耐用,多口袋设计,实用方便,透气性好,夏天不闷,冬季保暖,四季适用,款式多样,满足不同需求,批发价格,经济实惠,团队定制,logo随心印,'; const subtitle = new FFSubtitle({ comma: true, // 是否逗号分割 backgroundColor: '#00219C', color: '#fff', fontSize: 24, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 + 300, }); const _width = 100 const _style = { wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: _width, breakWords: true, align: 'center', }; // subtitle.setStyle(_style); subtitle.setText(title); subtitle.setFont(font1); subtitle.setSpeech(tts); // 语音配音-tts subtitle.frameBuffer = 24; // subtitle.setDuration(album.getTotalDuration() + 1); 没有tts配音时候可以手动设置 scene1.addChild(subtitle);

scene1.setDuration(22); scene1.setTransition('FastSwitch', 1.5); creator.addChild(scene1);

// add scene2 background const fbg = new FFImage({ path: bg }); fbg.setXY(width / 2, height / 2); scene2.addChild(fbg);

// logo const flogo = new FFImage({ path: logo, x: width / 2, y: height / 2 - 150 }); flogo.addEffect('fadeInDown', 1, 1.2); scene2.addChild(flogo);

scene2.setDuration(4); creator.addChild(scene2);

creator.start(); creator.closeLog();

creator.on('start', () => { console.log(FFCreator start); });

creator.on('error', e => { console.log(FFCreator error: ${JSON.stringify(e)}); });

creator.on('progress', e => { console.log(colors.yellow(FFCreator progress: ${(e.percent * 100) >> 0}%)); });

creator.on('complete', e => { console.log( colors.magenta(FFCreator completed: \n USEAGE: ${e.useage} \n PATH: ${e.output}), );

console.log(`\n --- You can press the s key or the w key to restart! --- \n`));


return creator; };

module.exports = () => startAndListen(() => FFCreatorCenter.addTask(createFFTask)); `

drawcall commented 1 month ago
