tnicola / cypress-parallel

Reduce up to 40% your Cypress suite execution time parallelizing the test run on the same machine.
MIT License
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Options specified with -a not taking any effect #113

Open kiran-epic opened 2 years ago

kiran-epic commented 2 years ago

Any options which are sent using -a parameter are not passed onto cypress.

npx cypress-parallel -s cypress run -t 3 -d 'cypress/integration/features/' -a "--env TAGS=@smoke"

npx cypress-parallel -s cypress run -t 3 -d 'cypress/integration/features/' -a "--browser firefox"

jakox commented 2 years ago

If you use this in the cli you may need the flag -a '"--browser firefox"' Note the -> '

kiran-epic commented 2 years ago

@jakox I tried all of that & it doesn't work. The options aren't passed onto cypress..

joshuajtward commented 1 year ago

Hi @kiran-epic, I couldn't replicate this (in a project also using cypress-grep), have you tried with the flag value wrapped in escaped double quotes and single quotes? yargs and bash don't always play nicely together, so it'll need to be -a \"'--browser firefox'\"