tnicola / cypress-parallel

Reduce up to 40% your Cypress suite execution time parallelizing the test run on the same machine.
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Issue: on successful run of one thread execution jenkins stops complete execution for cypress-parallel. #181

Open ketteq-neon opened 6 months ago

ketteq-neon commented 6 months ago

while executing scripts on Jenkins I am using three threads: t1, t2, and t3 if one of these thread executions completes then it exits from the execution and next script try to run and Jenkins execution failed due to this issue.

scripts to run: "cy:install": "cypress install", "ketteq:config:script": "cypress run --browser chrome --headless --reporter cypress-multi-reporters --reporter-options configFile=reporter-config.json", "cy:cleanRun": "run-s -c cy:cleanReports cy:install", "sleep5s": "node -e \"setTimeout(() => process.exit(0), 5000)\"", "cy:mergeJsonFiles":"mochawesome-merge \"cypress/reports/mochawesome/*\" > \"cypress/reports/mochawesome.json\"", "cy:generateHtmlReport":"marge cypress/reports/mochawesome.json -f mochawesome_final.html -o cypress/reports/finalHtml", "cy:generateJenkinsHtmlReport":"marge cypress/reports/mochawesome.json -f mochawesome_final.html -o ../../../target/test-classes/e2e/cypress/reports/finalHtml", "cy:mergeGenerateHtmlReport":"run-s -c sleep5s cy:mergeJsonFiles sleep5s cy:generateHtmlReport cy:generateJenkinsHtmlReport", "ketteq:uiE2EParallelScript": "cypress-parallel -d cypress/e2e/api/uiE2E -t 3 -s ketteq:config:script -w parallel-weights.json", "cy:ketteqAutomation:all": "run-s -c cy:cleanRun ketteq:uiE2EParallelScript cy:mergeGenerateHtmlReport",

Is there any way to wait for execution of all threads in cypress-parallel?

on local its working fine!!

Please help!!

ketteq-neon commented 5 months ago

HI Team,

Please provide your valuable input!!

ketteq-neon commented 5 months ago

Hi Team,

Anyone have any resolution for the above issue?

Densf2 commented 5 months ago

could you share the error message. I using cypress-parallel with Jenkins with the same configuration and commands. And no issues and successfully getting results @ketteq-neon

ketteq-neon commented 4 months ago


there is no error in Jenkins build, just immediate completion of one thread's execution it's come out of execution.

Please refer attached screen shots, I am trying to run two scripts on two threads having 10 sec and 20 sec wait only. npm scripts:

"ketteq:config:script": "cypress run --browser chrome --headless ", "parallel","cypress-parallel -d cypress/e2e/api/uiE2E -t 2 -s ketteq:config:script -w parallel-weights.json"

but after execution of 10 sec scripts on thread 1 its automatically stop the execution and make Jenkins build successful.

Please let me know if you need further Information on the same. screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3

ketteq-neon commented 4 months ago

@Densf2 could you please share your npm scripts with me?

Densf2 commented 4 months ago

yeah, I used the same commands but some different parameters:

“merge_reports”: “mochawesome-merge cypress/reports/mochawesome-report/*.json -o cypress/reports/mochawesome-report/output.json”,
“mochawesome_report”: “marge -i cypress/reports/mochawesome-report/output.json -o cypress/reports/mochawesome-html-report/“,
“make_report”: “npm run merge_reports && npm run mochawesome_report”,
“cy:parallel_10_streams”: “cypress-parallel -s cypress:run-no-video -t 10 -d cypress/e2e -r mochawesome -o reportDir=cypress/reports/mochawesome-report,html=false,json=true,overwrite=false,timestamp=mmddyyyy_HHMMss -m false”,
“run_cy_tests_parallel_10_str”: “npm-run-all -s -c  cy:parallel_10_streams make_report”,

and always received results for all threads

ketteq-neon commented 4 months ago

@Densf2 did you run these scripts on cypress container?

Densf2 commented 4 months ago

yes, these configuration works with official images cypress/inlcuded - but I can't share the results due to changes in tests for commercial project