tntvis / tnt

Visualization of trees and track based annotations
Apache License 2.0
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Publishing tnt.tree component to biojs registry #16

Open daviddao opened 9 years ago

daviddao commented 9 years ago

Hey Miguel, Should we think about contributing tnt.tree to biojs registry? It would be also nice for the planned publication. As discussed we could publish

into npm and list

Looking forward to your answer, David

emepyc commented 9 years ago

Hi David, Yes, this is going to happen in the following weeks. I have some of the new repos ready. I will include "tracks" repos as well (tnt.board, tnt.track, etc...). I'm currently working on performance.

wilzbach commented 9 years ago


It would be awesome if you could try out the new snippet system and have a nice visual example for the tree viewer like here :)

daviddao commented 9 years ago

@emepyc if you publish the new repos, i can manage the publication process into the biojs registry if you like :)