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CBA reload anim #99

Closed madpat3 closed 6 years ago

madpat3 commented 6 years ago

only the AWC versions of the sniper rifle work with the new CBA weapon event handler. the AWM stay with the "Vanilla-automatic-bold action".

Blutze commented 6 years ago

Confirmed still happening with v10. AW Covert and 1903 Springfield do it like this:

class EventHandlers {
   fired = "_this call CBA_fnc_weaponEvents";
class CBA_weaponEvents {
   handAction = "GestureRechamber";

Only the regular AWM does this in line 700:

class bg_weaponparameters {
   class onFired_Action {
      HandAction = "GestureRechamber";

Looks like you missed that when migrating to the new CBA setup. Also, am I losing it or are the 30-11s completely missing on GitHub?