toandaominh1997 / EfficientDet.Pytorch

Implementation EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection in PyTorch
MIT License
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Update the url for the efficientnet backbone #110

Closed cristyioan2000 closed 4 years ago

cristyioan2000 commented 4 years ago

The owner of the efficientnet weights won't keep the weights on the google cloud because it's to expensive, you should upload or change theurl_map from with new urls to the weights.

Follow this issue for more info:

Cyril9227 commented 4 years ago

I think in the model/ file you should add the code below, also check my PR to see the other bits of code to change so everything is consistent with the new weights

url_map = {
    'efficientnet-b0': '',
    'efficientnet-b1': '',
    'efficientnet-b2': '',
    'efficientnet-b3': '',
    'efficientnet-b4': '',
    'efficientnet-b5': '',
    'efficientnet-b6': '',
    'efficientnet-b7': '',

url_map_advprop = {
    'efficientnet-b0': '', 
    'efficientnet-b1': '',
    'efficientnet-b2': '',
    'efficientnet-b3': '',
    'efficientnet-b4': '',
    'efficientnet-b5': '',
    'efficientnet-b6': '',
    'efficientnet-b7': '',
    'efficientnet-b8': '',

def load_pretrained_weights(model, model_name, load_fc=True, advprop=False):
    """ Loads pretrained weights, and downloads if loading for the first time. """
    # AutoAugment or Advprop (different preprocessing)
    url_map_ = url_map_advprop if advprop else url_map
    state_dict = model_zoo.load_url(url_map_[model_name])
    if load_fc:
        res = model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False)
        assert set(res.missing_keys) == set(['_fc.weight', '_fc.bias']), 'issue loading pretrained weights'
    print('Loaded pretrained weights for {}'.format(model_name))```

and delete the previous code, it should work
Cyril9227 commented 4 years ago

See my pull request, this change works as expected

cristyioan2000 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it works now, thank you!