toastersocks / MultiPicker

A Picker for iOS that can be used to choose from one, one or none, or multiple options.
MIT License
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Custom Struct #5

Closed jan-martenn closed 1 month ago

jan-martenn commented 2 months ago


Wrong initialiser used when I was using this struct:

struct CurrencyPair: Hashable, Identifiable, Codable {
    var id: String { description }

    var base: String
    var quote: String
    var enabled: Bool

    var description: String {

with this code:

@State private var currencyPairSelection: Set<CurrencyPair>
@State private var currencyPairOptions: [CurrencyPair]

var settings: Settings

init(settings: Settings) {
    self.settings = settings
    _currencyPairOptions = State(initialValue: settings.currencyPairs)

    let set =  Set(settings.currencyPairs.filter { $0.enabled })
    _currencyPairSelection = State(initialValue: set)

            MultiPicker(selection: $currencyPairSelection, content: {
                ForEach(currencyPairOptions, id: \.self) { option in
            }, label: {
                Text("Enabled Currencies")


I wanted a Multiple option picker, but could not find the reason this was not working. So I CMD + Clicked on the MultiPicker to see what Initialiser was being used, turns out the selection property was set to single.

After I commented out the other intialisers except for the Binding<Set<>> one, Xcode finally gave the error that my struct needed to conform to CustomStringConvertible.

Finally, after adding this to the struct like this:

 struct CurrencyPair: Hashable, Identifiable, Codable, CustomStringConvertible {
    var id: String { description }

    var base: String
    var quote: String
    var enabled: Bool

    var description: String {

it works perfectly!


Either add to the documentation that a custom struct must conform to CustomStringConvertible, or some kind of extra check to get the correct initialiser. Thanks!!

toastersocks commented 2 months ago

@jan-martenn Thanks for reporting on your experience. That's a fair point. I think the requirement for conforming to CustomStringConvertable can be removed, and I'll also add a note to the documentation about conforming to CustomStringConvertable if people want to customize the plain style representation.

jan-martenn commented 1 month ago

Confirmed working, thanks for the quick response! 🫡📈