toastyBadger / algoSim-serenity

Multimodal node graph interpreter and simulator for MST/BFS/DFS/etc algorithms written mostly in Java.
2 stars 1 forks source link

Other Plans - vague and silly #3

Open toastyBadger opened 11 years ago

toastyBadger commented 11 years ago

Graph Stack - This plan is to have all saved graphs loaded at run time. Admittedly this will make loading slower, but the program might be much more intuitive when loaded, hopefully anyway... This should also mean that graphs can be displayed when loading them so the user can see what they are loading into the program could be helpful to preview graphs before loading them.

Loading Algorithms - This plan is to have algorithms loaded at run time instead of hard coded, this means that all of the properties for that algorithms, such as the types of graph that it supports need to be settable in the code. will need documentation. this will mean a rethink of certain aspects of the code, but should also make writing algorithms easier, especially if we are able to shift parts of the code (namely the colouration of the stages) over to another part.

toastyBadger commented 11 years ago

Feel free to add any more ideas you might have!