Closed Johnson-yue closed 6 years ago
For the first question, we don't need the onnx
python package because we use onnx_python
which is already merged in mxnet
python package. I think you can run all the ONNX without any other problem.
We can add the parameters such as per_process_gpu_memory_fraction
to control the GPU devices soon.
@tobegit3hub Oh, Mybe I have something wrong, I will check it. I will look forward to new version with parameters of Controling the GPU device
It is supported now and you can use it with pip install -U simple_tensorflow_serving>=0.6.4
More usage refers to .
Hi, I update your docker image
and test it. I found some problems:your docker default run
simple_tensorflow_serving --model_config_file="./examples/model_config_file.json"
but do not install ONNX, it is a small problem!tf-serving -gpu default is allocation ALL GPU Memory it was so terrible!!! look here , and luckly some have fixed it fixed code, Can you add these config and re-compile the TF-Serving. By the way , the method is _per_process_gpu_memoryfraction but I think
but I do not know how to do it. I think the usage of gpu depend on model mybe right?