tobexyz / yaacc-code

YAACC - UPNP Client and Server
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Screen casting #121

Open ashkitten opened 2 months ago

ashkitten commented 2 months ago

Hi, would it be possible to implement casting the screen/device audio via the Android MediaProjection API?

tobexyz commented 2 months ago

Didn't worked with this feature yet. What's your concrete use case you want to cover with that feature?

ildar commented 2 months ago

can (theoretically) be done with screen casting to HTTP and share that URL to Yaacc. The 1st app is for example this:

ashkitten commented 2 months ago

Didn't worked with this feature yet. What's your concrete use case you want to cover with that feature?

I want to stream videos from my phone that are only available through another app, no public http stream available. I tried an app based on screenstream for airplay but a picture slideshow is no good for audio and lags Kodi.