tobi-wan-kenobi / bumblebee-status

bumblebee-status is a modular, theme-able status line generator for the i3 window manager.
MIT License
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`Could not parse JSON` error on boot, resolves after i3 refresh #940

Closed Dale-Muccignat closed 1 year ago

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

Bug Report


Affected module: All Version used: AUR

On first boot I get this error displayed in the i3 bar: ![captures_126]( After I reload i3 everything works as expected, it only happens just after I start the computer #### How to reproduce Config File used: ``` [core] modules=spotify,sensors2,cpu,memory,disk,datetime,pulseout,dunst autohide=cpu,memory,disk,sensors2 theme=custom-powerline [module-parameters] disk.format={left} memory.format={percent:05.02f}% cpu.format={:05.02f}% datetime.format=%d/%m/%y %H:%M cpu.percpu=true sensors2.chip_include=coretemp, acpitz sensors2.showcpu=false sensors2.showname=true spotify.format={artist}-{title} ``` Theme file used: ``` { "icons": [ "awesome-fonts" ], "colors": [{ "red": "#BF616A", "orange": "#D08770", "yellow": "#EBCB8B", "green": "#A3BE8C" }], "defaults": { "warning": { "fg": "#2E3440", "bg": "#D08770" }, "critical": { "fg": "#2E3440", "bg": "#BF616A" }, "separator-block-width": 0 }, "cycle": [ { "fg": "#D4E4F1", "bg": "#260273"}, { "fg": "#D4E4F1", "bg": "#150140"} ], "dnf": { "good": { "fg": "#A3BE8C", "bg": "#2E3440" } }, "apt": { "good": { "fg": "#A3BE8C", "bg": "#2E3440" } }, "pacman": { "good": { "fg": "#A3BE8C", "bg": "#2E3440" } }, "battery": { "charged": { "fg": "#2E3440", "bg": "#A3BE8C" }, "charging": { "fg": "#2E3440", "bg": "#81A1C1" } }, "pomodoro": { "paused": { "fg": "#2E3440", "bg": "#D08770" }, "work": { "fg": "#2E3440", "bg": "#EBCB8B" }, "break": { "fg": "#A3BE8C", "bg": "#2E3440" } } } ``` i3 bar command: ``` bar { status_command bumblebee-status font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 10 tray_output primary tray_padding 4 #mode hide colors { background #090126 focused_workspace #EFB893 #EFB893 #150140 active_workspace #260273 #260273 #ffffff inactive_workspace #150140 #150140 #ffffff } } ```
tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

If possible, it would be great if you could create a debug log (-d -f ) & provide it here in the ticket.

Maybe it is related to pulseaudio, in which case it would be an option to add the "autostart" parameter to the pulseaudio module.

Also: Sorry for my long response time!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response, I can try trail and error a bit removing those modules and also checking out the autostart. No worries with response time I'm happy!

Here is the log:

[2022-11-25 00:22:10,949] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,950] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,952] module           DEBUG    importing debug from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,952] module           WARNING  failed to import spotify from core: No module named 'modules.core.spotify'
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,959] module           DEBUG    importing spotify from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,960] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::1::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,960] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::2::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,960] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::3::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,962] module           DEBUG    importing sensors2 from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,963] cli              DEBUG    sensors -u 
[2022-11-25 00:22:10,981] cli              DEBUG    coretemp-isa-0000
Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:
  temp1_input: 53.000
  temp1_max: 85.000
  temp1_crit: 105.000
  temp1_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 0:
  temp2_input: 50.000
  temp2_max: 85.000
  temp2_crit: 105.000
  temp2_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 1:
  temp3_input: 49.000
  temp3_max: 85.000
  temp3_crit: 105.000
  temp3_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 2:
  temp4_input: 50.000
  temp4_max: 85.000
  temp4_crit: 105.000
  temp4_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 3:
  temp5_input: 53.000
  temp5_max: 85.000
  temp5_crit: 105.000
  temp5_crit_alarm: 0.000

Adapter: ACPI interface
  temp1_input: 27.800
  temp1_crit: 106.000
  temp2_input: 29.800
  temp2_crit: 106.000

Adapter: PCI adapter
  in0_input: 1.087
  fan1_input: 3.000
  fan1_min: 0.000
  fan1_max: 3500.000
  temp1_input: 49.000
  temp1_crit: 94.000
  temp1_crit_hyst: -273.150
  power1_average: 30.249
  power1_cap: 145.000

[2022-11-25 00:22:11,027] module           DEBUG    importing cpu from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,027] input            DEBUG    registering callback cpu::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,038] module           DEBUG    importing memory from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,038] input            DEBUG    registering callback memory::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,039] module           DEBUG    importing disk from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,039] input            DEBUG    registering callback disk::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,047] module           DEBUG    importing datetime from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,054] input            DEBUG    registering callback datetime::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,153] module           DEBUG    importing pulseout from core
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,154] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,154] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:22:11,154] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-down
tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Weird, that looks good & contains no errors :( Did the error show up when you were running this?

Are you using the AUR -git or the last released version?

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

yeah weird - I'm using the last released version from the AUR. I added -d -f log.txt to the i3 config command and rebooted and saw the error and that's the file it printed.

I can confirm removing pulseout from the module list results in no error on boot but adding pulsectl.autostart=true does not fix the error

Edit: I now see it should be pulseout.autostart

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

pulseout.autostart=true also doesn't work. I'll double check the log file...

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

If you like error's changing, if not resolving... now with the autostart reloading i3 does not resolve the error. Here is a log file in which I reload i3 a few times

[2022-11-25 00:44:12,071] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,071] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,072] module           DEBUG    importing debug from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,073] module           WARNING  failed to import spotify from core: No module named 'modules.core.spotify'
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,081] module           DEBUG    importing spotify from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,081] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::1::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,081] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::2::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,082] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::3::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,084] module           DEBUG    importing sensors2 from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,084] cli              DEBUG    sensors -u 
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,089] cli              DEBUG    coretemp-isa-0000
Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:
  temp1_input: 53.000
  temp1_max: 85.000
  temp1_crit: 105.000
  temp1_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 0:
  temp2_input: 52.000
  temp2_max: 85.000
  temp2_crit: 105.000
  temp2_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 1:
  temp3_input: 51.000
  temp3_max: 85.000
  temp3_crit: 105.000
  temp3_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 2:
  temp4_input: 52.000
  temp4_max: 85.000
  temp4_crit: 105.000
  temp4_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 3:
  temp5_input: 53.000
  temp5_max: 85.000
  temp5_crit: 105.000
  temp5_crit_alarm: 0.000

Adapter: ACPI interface
  temp1_input: 27.800
  temp1_crit: 106.000
  temp2_input: 29.800
  temp2_crit: 106.000

Adapter: PCI adapter
  in0_input: 1.087
  fan1_input: 581.000
  fan1_min: 0.000
  fan1_max: 3500.000
  temp1_input: 49.000
  temp1_crit: 94.000
  temp1_crit_hyst: -273.150
  power1_average: 29.101
  power1_cap: 145.000

[2022-11-25 00:44:12,111] module           DEBUG    importing cpu from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,111] input            DEBUG    registering callback cpu::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,112] module           DEBUG    importing memory from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,112] input            DEBUG    registering callback memory::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,113] module           DEBUG    importing disk from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,113] input            DEBUG    registering callback disk::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,116] module           DEBUG    importing datetime from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,116] input            DEBUG    registering callback datetime::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,116] module           WARNING  failed to import arandr from core: No module named 'modules.core.arandr'
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,157] module           DEBUG    importing arandr from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,157] input            DEBUG    registering callback arandr::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,157] input            DEBUG    registering callback arandr::right-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,157] module           WARNING  failed to import pomodoro from core: No module named 'modules.core.pomodoro'
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,159] module           DEBUG    importing pomodoro from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,159] input            DEBUG    registering callback pomodoro::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,159] input            DEBUG    registering callback pomodoro::right-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,159] module           WARNING  failed to import dunstctl from core: No module named 'modules.core.dunstctl'
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,160] module           DEBUG    importing dunstctl from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,160] input            DEBUG    registering callback dunstctl::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,262] module           DEBUG    importing pulseout from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,263] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,263] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,263] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:44:12,263] cli              DEBUG    pulseaudio --start
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,124] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,125] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,128] module           DEBUG    importing debug from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,128] module           WARNING  failed to import spotify from core: No module named 'modules.core.spotify'
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,134] module           DEBUG    importing spotify from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,134] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::1::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,134] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::2::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,135] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::3::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,136] module           DEBUG    importing sensors2 from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,137] cli              DEBUG    sensors -u 
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,140] cli              DEBUG    coretemp-isa-0000
Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:
  temp1_input: 52.000
  temp1_max: 85.000
  temp1_crit: 105.000
  temp1_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 0:
  temp2_input: 50.000
  temp2_max: 85.000
  temp2_crit: 105.000
  temp2_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 1:
  temp3_input: 47.000
  temp3_max: 85.000
  temp3_crit: 105.000
  temp3_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 2:
  temp4_input: 47.000
  temp4_max: 85.000
  temp4_crit: 105.000
  temp4_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 3:
  temp5_input: 52.000
  temp5_max: 85.000
  temp5_crit: 105.000
  temp5_crit_alarm: 0.000

Adapter: ACPI interface
  temp1_input: 27.800
  temp1_crit: 106.000
  temp2_input: 29.800
  temp2_crit: 106.000

Adapter: PCI adapter
  in0_input: 1.000
  fan1_input: 581.000
  fan1_min: 0.000
  fan1_max: 3500.000
  temp1_input: 48.000
  temp1_crit: 94.000
  temp1_crit_hyst: -273.150
  power1_average: 20.170
  power1_cap: 145.000

[2022-11-25 00:44:33,152] module           DEBUG    importing cpu from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,152] input            DEBUG    registering callback cpu::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,153] module           DEBUG    importing memory from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,153] input            DEBUG    registering callback memory::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,154] module           DEBUG    importing disk from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,154] input            DEBUG    registering callback disk::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,154] module           DEBUG    importing datetime from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,155] input            DEBUG    registering callback datetime::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,155] module           WARNING  failed to import arandr from core: No module named 'modules.core.arandr'
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,162] module           DEBUG    importing arandr from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,162] input            DEBUG    registering callback arandr::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,162] input            DEBUG    registering callback arandr::right-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,163] module           WARNING  failed to import pomodoro from core: No module named 'modules.core.pomodoro'
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,164] module           DEBUG    importing pomodoro from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,164] input            DEBUG    registering callback pomodoro::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,164] input            DEBUG    registering callback pomodoro::right-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,164] module           WARNING  failed to import dunstctl from core: No module named 'modules.core.dunstctl'
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,164] module           DEBUG    importing dunstctl from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,165] input            DEBUG    registering callback dunstctl::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,196] module           DEBUG    importing pulseout from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,196] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,196] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,196] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:44:33,196] cli              DEBUG    pulseaudio --start
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,463] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,463] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,469] module           DEBUG    importing debug from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,469] module           WARNING  failed to import spotify from core: No module named 'modules.core.spotify'
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,475] module           DEBUG    importing spotify from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,476] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::1::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,476] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::2::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,476] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::3::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,478] module           DEBUG    importing sensors2 from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,478] cli              DEBUG    sensors -u 
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,495] cli              DEBUG    coretemp-isa-0000
Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:
  temp1_input: 53.000
  temp1_max: 85.000
  temp1_crit: 105.000
  temp1_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 0:
  temp2_input: 50.000
  temp2_max: 85.000
  temp2_crit: 105.000
  temp2_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 1:
  temp3_input: 49.000
  temp3_max: 85.000
  temp3_crit: 105.000
  temp3_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 2:
  temp4_input: 48.000
  temp4_max: 85.000
  temp4_crit: 105.000
  temp4_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 3:
  temp5_input: 53.000
  temp5_max: 85.000
  temp5_crit: 105.000
  temp5_crit_alarm: 0.000

Adapter: ACPI interface
  temp1_input: 27.800
  temp1_crit: 106.000
  temp2_input: 29.800
  temp2_crit: 106.000

Adapter: PCI adapter
  in0_input: 1.000
  fan1_input: 581.000
  fan1_min: 0.000
  fan1_max: 3500.000
  temp1_input: 48.000
  temp1_crit: 94.000
  temp1_crit_hyst: -273.150
  power1_average: 20.036
  power1_cap: 145.000

[2022-11-25 00:44:37,508] module           DEBUG    importing cpu from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,508] input            DEBUG    registering callback cpu::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,509] module           DEBUG    importing memory from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,509] input            DEBUG    registering callback memory::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,510] module           DEBUG    importing disk from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,510] input            DEBUG    registering callback disk::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,511] module           DEBUG    importing datetime from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,511] input            DEBUG    registering callback datetime::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,511] module           WARNING  failed to import arandr from core: No module named 'modules.core.arandr'
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,518] module           DEBUG    importing arandr from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,519] input            DEBUG    registering callback arandr::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,519] input            DEBUG    registering callback arandr::right-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,519] module           WARNING  failed to import pomodoro from core: No module named 'modules.core.pomodoro'
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,520] module           DEBUG    importing pomodoro from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,520] input            DEBUG    registering callback pomodoro::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,520] input            DEBUG    registering callback pomodoro::right-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,520] module           WARNING  failed to import dunstctl from core: No module named 'modules.core.dunstctl'
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,521] module           DEBUG    importing dunstctl from contrib
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,521] input            DEBUG    registering callback dunstctl::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,550] module           DEBUG    importing pulseout from core
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,550] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::left-mouse
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,550] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-up
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,550] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-down
[2022-11-25 00:44:37,550] cli              DEBUG    pulseaudio --start
tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for narrowing it down to a single module. Maybe it's some kind of concurrency issue between the pulseaudio server startup & the module. I will try to reproduce it (I use this on a daily basis and it works). Can you please let me know which distro you are using?

Also, I still am puzzled why the log shows no errors at all. Could you please try one more thing? Could you please try to "exec --no-startup-id -m pulseout > /tmp/pulse.out 2> /tmp/pulse.err" inside your i3 config (so that I get the actual output on stdout and stderr)? And send me /tmp/pulse.out and /tmp/pulse.err?

That would be very helpful. Thank you!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

I'm using straight archlinux... now that I'm thinking about it, could it be because I've installed pipewire?

Assuming you mean exec --no-startup-id bumblebee-status -m pulseout > /tmp/pulse.out 2> /tmp/pulse.err i get nothing in the pulse.err file but pulse.out gives:

{"version": 1, "click_events": true}
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " pulseaudio --start not found ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],

Which.... makes me think I just am silly thinking I can use pipewire with a pulseaudo module.....

to clarify, I have pipewire-pulse installed

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

installing pulseaudio and removing pipewire-pulse resolved the issue... sorry for the big circle!

Is there a module that works with pipewire? I can see there's amixer but it doesn't seem as fleshed out. As far as I thought pipewire was supposed to be a drop-in replacement for pulseaudio... perhaps there's a way to make pulseout/pulsein compatable or a pipewire version if there's not one already? That's just me tossing out thoughts but I can work around this now.

Thanks so much for the help and I really love the work on bumblebee-status!

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Glad that this is resolved!

I have a pipewire setup, and I believe the module works there. But I will investigate, thank you kindly!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

Sounds good - always happy to replicate the error if there are any more tests to do

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Ah, and see: This is one of the errors:

{"version": 1, "click_events": true}

Totally wrong format, thanks for catching that!

Aside from that, the autostart parameter doesn't work for pipewire (as there is no pulseaudio), but that should be handled nicer, IMHO.

Can you please try to get the stdout when autostart is not set? For me, on Gentoo, it works, but Gentoo arguably is different in its startup process (systemd vs. openrc).

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Also, with the commit above, you should get a better error message in the status bar itself, if you use the -git package

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

I've installed the -git version from the AUR, removed autostart and put the debug command in the i3 config and now I get:

{"version": 1, "click_events": true}
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],
[{"full_text": " list index out of range ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],

The file fills up with the same line over time.

In the bar itself I now have: image

Which seems a bit more informative!

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Nice, so that helps a bit already.

I have pushed another change that logs all the debugs to the debug log (-d -f <filename>). Could you please add that once more to your execution & give me the results?

There should be a backtrace in it now, something like this:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):

Hopefully, that narrows it down enough for me to fix it.

Thank you for your patience!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

Here you go!

[2022-11-27 20:58:28,053] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-up
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,058] input            DEBUG    registering callback ::wheel-down
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,082] module           DEBUG    importing debug from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,082] module           WARNING  failed to import spotify from core: No module named 'modules.core.spotify'
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,094] module           DEBUG    importing spotify from contrib
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,095] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::1::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,095] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::2::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,095] input            DEBUG    registering callback spotify::3::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,096] module           DEBUG    importing sensors2 from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,096] cli              DEBUG    sensors -u 
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,115] cli              DEBUG    acpitz-acpi-0
Adapter: ACPI interface
  temp1_input: 27.800
  temp1_crit: 106.000
  temp2_input: 29.800
  temp2_crit: 106.000

Adapter: ISA adapter
Package id 0:
  temp1_input: 52.000
  temp1_max: 85.000
  temp1_crit: 105.000
  temp1_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 0:
  temp2_input: 50.000
  temp2_max: 85.000
  temp2_crit: 105.000
  temp2_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 1:
  temp3_input: 51.000
  temp3_max: 85.000
  temp3_crit: 105.000
  temp3_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 2:
  temp4_input: 50.000
  temp4_max: 85.000
  temp4_crit: 105.000
  temp4_crit_alarm: 0.000
Core 3:
  temp5_input: 52.000
  temp5_max: 85.000
  temp5_crit: 105.000
  temp5_crit_alarm: 0.000

Adapter: PCI adapter
  in0_input: 1.037
  fan1_input: 4.000
  fan1_min: 0.000
  fan1_max: 3500.000
  temp1_input: 47.000
  temp1_crit: 94.000
  temp1_crit_hyst: -273.150
  power1_average: 18.205
  power1_cap: 145.000

[2022-11-27 20:58:28,133] module           DEBUG    importing cpu from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,134] input            DEBUG    registering callback cpu::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,134] module           DEBUG    importing memory from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,135] input            DEBUG    registering callback memory::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,135] module           DEBUG    importing disk from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,135] input            DEBUG    registering callback disk::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,136] module           DEBUG    importing datetime from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,136] input            DEBUG    registering callback datetime::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,261] module           DEBUG    importing pulseout from core
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,261] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::left-mouse
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,262] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-up
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,262] input            DEBUG    registering callback pulseout::wheel-down
[2022-11-27 20:58:28,397] bumblebee-status ERROR    list index out of range
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee-status", line 149, in <module>
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee-status", line 124, in main
    modules.append(core.module.load(module, config, theme))
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee_status/core/", line 61, in load
    return getattr(mod, "Module")(config, theme)
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee_status/modules/core/", line 6, in __init__
    super().__init__(config, theme, "sink")
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee_status/modules/core/", line 91, in __init__
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee_status/modules/core/", line 141, in process
    dev = self.get_device(pulse)
  File "/home/dale/.config/i3/bumblebee-status/bumblebee_status/modules/core/", line 135, in get_device
    return devs[0] # fallback
IndexError: list index out of range

Good luck!

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

@Dale-Muccignat Thanks!

I think that is sufficient to narrow it down - if you update to the latest git version (just updating the AUR package should be sufficient), I believe the error should be gone. You should see a volume of 0 for a moment, but then, it should be working correctly.

If not, please let me know & I will investigate further!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

Thank you! Works like a charm now. It indeed displays 0 for maybe a second but then it kicks in nicely.