tobi-wan-kenobi / bumblebee-status

bumblebee-status is a modular, theme-able status line generator for the i3 window manager.
MIT License
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`` an interactive extension to `` #942

Open Dale-Muccignat opened 1 year ago

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

I'm hoping this will serve as an alternative to I started using and felt like it'd be great to have some control over what project is being tracked rather than 'just' restarting the last tracked project.

So I went about changing the code from to include a feature that when the mouse wheel is used, the module cycles between currently used projects within watson. I have limited python experience as I mainly use Julialang for research so I'm reaching the end of the effort I can put into this for now. I'd love for some pointers and I can come back to improve this.

I'm not really looking to merge this right away, I think it's usable as is but I would love for it to be improved.

Main features:

Current drawbacks:


tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much!

Regarding the new project start: Tricky, probably needs a bumblebee-status core extension that shows a prompt (Tk? Gtk? Qt? Just a term?) I think there are x tools to show a prompt and read the result, maybe that is a good starting point.

The "use last project": Good idea, would probably mean introducing the concept of "state" to bumblebee, which IMHO sounds very useful :)

Unfortunately, I have very limited time to work on bumblebee right now (real life interfering), and I do not use watson myself, but I will try to think about those two things and come up with ideas or prototypes.

Thank you!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

Text prompt: Yeah I'm not too sure myself, I'll have a think over time for some ideas around inputting text. I'm not sure if it'd have any applications for other modules but could be a cool feature if it's easy enough to do.

State: Oh I hadn't thought about it like that, but it sounds like another toy that 'could' be useful. I was more imagining that I could probably figure out which was the last used project from watson itself. Shouldn't be tooo hard.

I'm the same with time, I'm trying to get a bunch of work done (hence seeking out some time tracking tools.... and then spending a whole day trying to tailor it to my wants... very productive!). I'll most likely just see if I stick with using it and find it useful, then when I have some spare time I'll try and come up with ideas.

Thanks for chiming in!

Dale-Muccignat commented 1 year ago

I've added a simple (but ugly) way of entering text. On right-click, it opens up a gui from the python package "easygui".

I don't particularly like that it's a whole new window but it's a solution for now. Having a more general solution would probably be preferred.

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Very cool!

Can you please drop me a line when you think it is ready for merging?