tobi-wan-kenobi / bumblebee-status

bumblebee-status is a modular, theme-able status line generator for the i3 window manager.
MIT License
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BumbleBee not working #944

Closed Bcez closed 1 year ago

Bcez commented 1 year ago

Affected module: none Description: Installed Bumblebee status using pip, when put in config with the modules, paramters, and theme i get an error Screenshot from 2022-12-05 14-54-39

here is my config for the bar ` bar { position top height 30 status_command ~/.local/bin/bumblebee-status -m network playerctl pulseaudio arch_update battery bluetooth2 date time \ -p time.format="%H:%M CW %V" date.format="%a, %b %d %Y" \ -t solarized-powerline font pango: FontAwesome 10, JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Bold

colors {
    separator               $text
    background              $background
        statusline          $text
    focused_workspace       $text           $text           $background
        active_workspace    $inactive       $inactive       $background
        inactive_workspace  $background     $background     $text
        urgent_workspace    $error          $error          $background

} `

If you are having problems with fonts, please read:

Please note FontAwesome 5 is currently not supported:

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago


most likely, a Python module is missib.

2 options:

Hope that helps!

Bcez commented 1 year ago

alright here is what i got from the logs [2022-12-06 15:38:01,587] input DEBUG registering callback ::wheel-up [2022-12-06 15:38:01,587] input DEBUG registering callback ::wheel-down [2022-12-06 15:38:01,589] module DEBUG importing debug from core [2022-12-06 15:38:01,590] module WARNING failed to import network from core: No module named '' [2022-12-06 15:38:01,591] module DEBUG importing network from contrib [2022-12-06 15:38:01,591] module WARNING failed to import playerctl from core: No module named 'modules.core.playerctl' [2022-12-06 15:38:01,591] module DEBUG importing playerctl from contrib [2022-12-06 15:38:01,591] input DEBUG registering callback playerctl::0::left-mouse [2022-12-06 15:38:01,592] input DEBUG registering callback playerctl::2::left-mouse [2022-12-06 15:38:01,592] input DEBUG registering callback playerctl::3::left-mouse [2022-12-06 15:38:01,599] module DEBUG importing pulseaudio from core [2022-12-06 15:38:01,606] input DEBUG registering callback ::wheel-up [2022-12-06 15:38:01,606] input DEBUG registering callback ::wheel-down [2022-12-06 15:38:01,607] module DEBUG importing debug from core [2022-12-06 15:38:01,608] module WARNING failed to import network from core: No module named '' [2022-12-06 15:38:01,609] module DEBUG importing network from contrib [2022-12-06 15:38:01,609] module WARNING failed to import playerctl from core: No module named 'modules.core.playerctl' [2022-12-06 15:38:01,609] module DEBUG importing playerctl from contrib [2022-12-06 15:38:01,610] input DEBUG registering callback playerctl::0::left-mouse [2022-12-06 15:38:01,610] input DEBUG registering callback playerctl::2::left-mouse [2022-12-06 15:38:01,610] input DEBUG registering callback playerctl::3::left-mouse [2022-12-06 15:38:01,617] module DEBUG importing pulseaudio from core

also do you have a theme that supports pywal?

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

yes, there is wal-powerline.

the log looks ok, can you narrow it down to a specific module my removing one at a time, maybe?

Sorry for the issues!

Bcez commented 1 year ago

ok so i still get the same error. idk what is happening

Bcez commented 1 year ago

i removed every modules one by one

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Can you please tun the command directly in the terminal and paste the output here, please? just to check the format?

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Also: Which version are you using?

Bcez commented 1 year ago

~/.local/bin/bumblebee-status -m pulseaudio \ -p time.format="%H:%M CW %V" date.format="%a, %b %d %Y" \ -t solarized-powerline
and the lastest package from pip

Bcez commented 1 year ago

{"version": 1, "click_events": true} [ {"version":1} [ [{"full_text": " Module.init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'channel' ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}], [{"full_text": " Module.init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'channel' ", "background": "#ff0000", "color": "#ffffff", "name": "error", "instance": "the-only-one"}],

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

Yeah, pulseaudio cannot be used directly, you need to use pulsein and/or pulseout instead.

If you remove pulseaudio and use a simpler module such as cpu, does it work then?

Bcez commented 1 year ago

I have to check later since i am at school rn

Bcez commented 1 year ago

yea it does, what should i use to show volume then?

tobi-wan-kenobi commented 1 year ago

So, pulseaudio is actually managed by two modules:

pulsein for microphones and pulseout for headsets etc.

Do those two work for you?

BTW: You are by far not the first person to be falling into the pulseaudio trap, I need to find a better solution for this :(

Thank you for your patience!