tobiasfaust / SolaxModbusGateway

Modbus RTU to MQTT Gateway
GNU General Public License v3.0
55 stars 17 forks source link

SolaX Mini implemented? #7

Closed AlexPoeltl closed 1 year ago

AlexPoeltl commented 1 year ago

Does anyone has implemented the SolaX Mini inverters? I have an old one (without display, only LEDs) and a newer one with the status display. And... What has to be configured in the menu to communicate with the ESP? Does the SolaXModbusGateway simulates a meter? This is the only thing I could enter in the menu. I would like to implement these inverters in my Venus OS (Victron Energy) as AC inverters.

tobiasfaust commented 1 year ago

Hi, it is not implemented yet but basically possible if you want it. The first test is to use the testscript and adapt the request string according your X1 mini modbus protokoll.

Modbus protokol is here:

A good start could be to request the device info with String: 0xAA 0x55 0x01 0x00 0x00 SolaxMiniAddress 0x11 0x03 0x00

Header, Source, Destination, ControlCode, FunctionCode, DataLangth, Checksum (will add automatically in test sketch)

After it works successfully (you get an valid answer to your request) its easy to add it.

Alternative solutions for you are there:

tobiasfaust commented 1 year ago

still interested? i would wish: yes, but i need your support. If not, i will close this issue

MagicSven81 commented 11 months ago

Hallo Tobias, da ich jetzt einen X1 Mini habe würde ich dir gerne dabei helfen, diesen zu adaptieren. Was genau muss ich mit dem Testscript machen? Auf dem ESP32 läuft Release 3.1.1 Das Testscript liegt im Format .ino vor. Damit kann ich so leider aktuell nichts anfangen bzw. weiß nicht was damit zu tun ist. Wenn du mir etwas hilfst würde ich dir die Zuordnung erstellen. Gruß Sven