tobiasosborne / What-is-a-quantum-field-state-

This is a project aimed at answering the question: "what is a quantum field state?"
8 stars 5 forks source link

project status #6

Open mhlr opened 8 years ago

mhlr commented 8 years ago

Hi Tobias.

Are you still working on any of these papers? Do you plan to try this again? If you are, have you consider using markdown or similar and reserving tex for math notation. This should significantly broaden potential non academic collaboration. Github would also render the papers directly in the browser.

cheers Daniel

tobiasosborne commented 8 years ago

Dear Daniel,

Many thanks for your message!

I do intend to continue on all of these projects. Although we are very distracted with other commitments at the moment, we do intend to complete all of the github projects and submit them eventually.

Your suggestion to use markdown is very interesting: tex is indeed not optimal for the web; I will experiment with this in the coming weeks.

Sincerely, Tobias