tobiasschuerg / MH-Z-CO2-Sensors

Arduino imeplementation for CO2 sensors of the MH-Z series (Intelligent Infrared CO2 Module)
MIT License
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PPMUart && Temperature N/A #16

Closed quintendewilde closed 3 years ago

quintendewilde commented 3 years ago


I get this in the serial monitor.

----- Time from start: 1099 s PPMuart: n/a, PPMpwm: 634, Temperature: n/a

Running this on a Wemos D1

With this sketch




// pin for pwm reading

define CO2_IN 16

// pin for uart reading

define MH_Z19_RX D1 // D7

define MH_Z19_TX D2 // D6

MHZ co2(MH_Z19_RX, MH_Z19_TX, CO2_IN, MHZ19B);

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(CO2_IN, INPUT); delay(100); Serial.println("MHZ 19B");

// enable debug to get addition information // co2.setDebug(true);

if (co2.isPreHeating()) { Serial.print("Preheating"); while (co2.isPreHeating()) { Serial.print("."); delay(5000); } Serial.println(); } }

void loop() { Serial.print("\n----- Time from start: "); Serial.print(millis() / 1000); Serial.println(" s");

int ppm_uart = co2.readCO2UART(); Serial.print("PPMuart: ");

if (ppm_uart > 0) { Serial.print(ppm_uart); } else { Serial.print("n/a"); }

int ppm_pwm = co2.readCO2PWM(); Serial.print(", PPMpwm: "); Serial.print(ppm_pwm);

int temperature = co2.getLastTemperature(); Serial.print(", Temperature: ");

if (temperature > 0) { Serial.println(temperature); } else { Serial.println("n/a"); }

Serial.println("\n------------------------------"); delay(5000); }

tobiasschuerg commented 3 years ago

PPMuart: n/a, PPMpwm: 634, Temperature: n/a Seems like reading via pwm worked and reading via uart did not.

This probably is a hardware issue so you should to check if your wiring is correct and if the pins you specified D1 and D2 are the right pins for serial on the WeMos.

nbarjolin commented 3 years ago

Hello, I would like to let you know that I ran into a similar issue with readCO2UART() failing because int count = _serial->readBytes(response, 9); was returning -1.

This was due to an outdated version of EspSoftwareSerial. Problem was solved by updating the Arduino core for ESP8266 to the latest version (2.7.4, was 2.6.3 initially).

Best regards,