tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
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-moz, -webkit, etc... Autocomplete #15

Closed aiacciu87 closed 12 years ago

aiacciu87 commented 13 years ago

As i said in the last post, I have a problem quite annoying since the only versions 4 and 5 of Firefox came out ...

In fact all autoconversion work but only on older versions of Firefox 4. Since the release of Firefox 4 -moz- CSS is automatically converted to CSS3 standard directly in Firebug. The problem is that FireFile does not convert these instructions-moz,-webkit, etc. ... It's super annoying, I have to downgrade back to Firefox 3 in its functionality.

Is not it possible to update FireFile so that it detects the CSS3 property standards (eg border-radius: 1px) and convert-moz,-webkit, etc. ... directly? Knowing that it worked very well detection when-moz was not translated directly, it should not be very difficult and it could save a lot of time a lot of people!

It is possible? :)

tobiasstrebitzer commented 13 years ago

I will implement that in the next release, should be end of june.

Kind Regards,


aiacciu87 commented 13 years ago

No news about this update. Did you forget me my friend? : '( Look forward to hearing. :) Have a good day!

aiacciu87 commented 12 years ago

There is still someone here? We really expect your update forward. Please do not tell me you have abandoned the project? I hope not. You did a great job!

PeterKnight commented 12 years ago

would be good to have an update

tobiasstrebitzer commented 12 years ago

ok, finally an update, sry for the delay.

With the later firefox updates, several things changed in handling the css contents.

I released v0.9.0 (client + server) which actually removes the css3- autoconversion to other browsers. Well that is the bad news.

I'm currently integrating web- service interaction to allow a more robust and maintained universalization of the firefox- focused css source. It could take some time, but the update will be worth it.

aiacciu87 commented 12 years ago

We look forward to that! thank you and good luck