tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
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File persmission error #27

Open medise opened 12 years ago

medise commented 12 years ago

Why firefile says it cant save the cchanges cuz of persmisson? i've changed the folder containng CSS files to world read/write/ full persmission, is still cant save. i thought the username password we filled in the form are the host ftp uzr/pdw/ even entered them but still not aable to save.

tobiasstrebitzer commented 12 years ago

make sure to also set the css files themselves to be writable by php/apache

$ chmod 666 /my/folder/style.css


$ chmod -R 777 /my/folder/stylesheets/

medise commented 12 years ago

U know I'm trying to customize phpFox, I set the permission for all CSS files in its themes folder to 777 too, but still cant update them. I tested FireFile, changed its CSS and it worked perfect, just enjoyed how easy it was to work with, but with my own files.................... PLEAAAASSSE!!! I really need that. If want I'm ready to give U an FTP account to my host containing the folder and files which need to bo modified.

VladimirVMold commented 12 years ago

Change in file firefile.php function onActionSaveRoutine

function onActionSaveRoutine() {

  $stylesheet = getPost64("stylesheet");
  $file = getPost64("file");

  $file_info = explode('/', $file, 4);// 
  $file_path = urldecode(str_replace('\\', '/', $file_info[3]));

  $file_abs_path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . '/' . $file_path;

  $result = saveFile($file_abs_path, $stylesheet);

  return $result;
medise commented 12 years ago

I'm really sorry but it didn't work too, I don't know if U have worked with phpFox or not, its using many CSS files for each page and also includes an RTL file for RTL languages, my aim is to have both RTL and LTR support, but the many css files mix me up. I really need this, its great but file permission error has just EXPLODED me. this is one of the factors, for example, that I'm trying to update. it includes a V parameter, I think for security reasons. PLEASE help me.


VladimirVMold commented 12 years ago

You can not edit a css file http://localhost/risan/static/gzip.php?t=css&s=theme/frontend/default/style/default/css/&f=layout.css,common.css,thickbox.css,jquery.css,pager.css,rtl.css,comment.css,editor.css&v=9cdfe29e5bdbf9cd7e8f5ec473a2435e. . You mast find config in phpFox and off compression CSS.