tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
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Firefile module: edit doesn't work in global CSS edit panel of firebug #41

Open netdoor opened 11 years ago

netdoor commented 11 years ago


css edition works well in firebug edit panel of the current selected element (right side of firebug, panel named "Style" for current inspected element).

But when you want to edit the entire css file (for example you want to edit a property used by hovered elements) in the left panel, edition doesn't work.

When you try to edit a property in the left panel, the style become blank and firebug become frozzen.

Follow theses steps to reproduce the bug:

1.Select an element with firebug inspector 2.See current css of this element in the right panel In the right panel, click on the filename blue link to load the entire css file in the left editor panel Start edit the css in the left loaded panel. Click on a property and change a value, the property becomes blank and the edition field stay frozzen.

Perhaps edition handler has not been implemented for this edition panel.

It will be a great improvment when you have to edit css property used by hovered elements or anything you are not able to keep active in the right panel.

Best regards