tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
53 stars 12 forks source link

file gets destroyed #5

Closed jmartsch closed 12 years ago

jmartsch commented 13 years ago

I have a file styles.css, it´s 21.8 kb in filesize and utf-8 encoding (without BOM). When i save it with firefile, then weird code is added at the end of the file and it doesn´t display correctly anymore.

You can find the file here:

Please help, because i love to work with your add-on.

Cheers Jens

jmartsch commented 13 years ago

It seems that the error only occurs when the following code is present: /* Styles für Errorseite */

.level1 > a, .level2 > a, .level3 > a{ display: block; padding: 2px; padding-left: 15px;


.level1 > a{ background: #F8B642!important; } .level2 > a{ background: #F9D765 !important; }

.level3.parent > a{ background: #FEDB67 !important; } /* End Errorseite */

Maybe some problem with the > char?

radekpytlik commented 13 years ago

yes its problem with > , today noticed same issue, Tobias!! please resolve it :)

tobiasstrebitzer commented 13 years ago

i'm on it

mikeg-de commented 13 years ago

Got the same problem. Here's the wiered code i receive after save:

[correct code] li:hover [¬Ç]ö\⁄Xö[]Nàö\⁄XõN¬üBÇù[Kò›\úô[ùàH¬ÇXòX⁄Ÿ‹õ›[ôàõ€ôHô\X]ÿ‹õ€  –çPçPçN¬ÇX€€‹éà—ëëë¬Ç]^ YX€‹ò][€éà[ô\õ[ôN¬üBÇù[Kú\ô[ù and so on …

mikeg-de commented 13 years ago

Do anyone have a solution?

timosnysder commented 13 years ago

i'm testing firefile now for two days and got the same problems like the others. Could it be that the size of the css is responsible? Bevore i have a css with 24kb and after firefile save i have a code like mikeq-de. I split the css in 6 parts and now firefile is working exactly.

thumps up Tobias

mikeg-de commented 13 years ago

I seperated the files to test ginkoQs suggestion. Until now it works fine but i haven't tested the 24kb filesize …

clarkewd commented 13 years ago

I am also having trouble both with files that contain > and files that get over a certain size. Seems like the previous version might have worked better. Please fix this! ;) I love using it.

tobiasstrebitzer commented 12 years ago

fixed in v0.9.0 (server update to v0.9.0 required)