tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
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FireFile #50

Open jbelmont opened 10 years ago

jbelmont commented 10 years ago


This is my first post in this repository so I apologize for any procedures you follow. Anyways I followed all the instruction to install FireFile onto my web server. FireFile deletes any css file and all of the contents are erase. I get is an empty style sheet. When I open the style sheet after saving changes in firefile, what I see in the file is this: Object id #75 I used all the instruction in the site to install FireFile. I chmod -R 777 /var/www/html in on web server and I logged in as the root user because this is an unmanaged vps. The file permissions for entire directory is root root rwxrwxrwx and inside of /var/www/html is the firefile.php and firefile.config.php. I am running this in CentOs version 5 I believe. Any help would be appreciated.


Jean-Marcel Belmont