tobiasstrebitzer / FireFile

Firefox CSS Live Editing Plugin
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upload kills @import #8

Closed philippTheCat closed 12 years ago

philippTheCat commented 13 years ago

I had an @import statement at the beginning of a file, edited it, and reuploaded it, now the import was gone. Can be reproduced. rather anoying bug :/

Al-ex1 commented 13 years ago

I have the same issue. NO @import in the file after I applied the modifications.

I think it might be a great product if it could only modify the lines that we want and not touch the rest.. including the comments.

jdesai commented 13 years ago

Exactly the same issue. Not only the @import but also the /comments/. Hope a fix rolls out soon. It's a great plugin but it should simply modify the altered code and not the whole file.

PremiumWebServices commented 13 years ago

I agree. @import and comments should be retained.

tobiasstrebitzer commented 12 years ago

fixed in v0.9.0 (server update to v0.9.0 required)