tobiasvc / billes-jammming

Codecademy project
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Summary #5

Open cyouh95 opened 6 years ago

cyouh95 commented 6 years ago

(Exceeds Expectations)

Great job on this project! It looks like you have a good understanding of the overall structure of the app as well as each individual components. I like how you've added your own additions to this, including clearing search terms after saving a playlist and preventing empty playlist names!

Nice work with the requests to the Spotify API as well! Just be sure to pay attention to the required parameters for making a request to an endpoint, and make sure they are included so it does not result in an error (#2).

As a further challenge, continue to explore the Spotify API and see if you're able to add more features to this app. As you do, look for ways to simplify your code and reduce lines (#1, #3). Happy coding!

tobiasvc commented 6 years ago

Thanks alot, i am happy to hear that! it really has been a challenge for me learning http requests, in this project (got no previous experience) i spend many hours figuring out the errors i made, and how to get the values out of the response :) i guess i spend about 20 hours in total on the project, and 1/3 of that was getting requests to work. i am i little ambivalent about your challenge, on the one side i would like to take it, on the other side, my coding evenings are very limited, due to my daytime job, an family with 2 kids. and i falling a bit behind in the course.

best regards Tobias