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Are the CSS entries auto-updated? #120

Closed tabatkins closed 10 years ago

tabatkins commented 10 years ago

I want to fix all the CSS entries to use the proper shortnaming, and have unversioned shortnames aliasing the latest versioned shortname. Are they currently maintained by an auto-update, such that my changes would be wiped out? If so, anything I can do about it?

If not, expect a decent-sized PR in the near future.

tobie commented 10 years ago

@tabatkins: yes (most) W3C entries are automatically generated, so any changes you make will be wiped out. The script is not nice to look at, as it had to deal with legacy hand-authored content, RDF parsing, TR/ inconsistencies, and what not, but that's where change should be made. Note that I think W3C's RDF has the data to do all the proper aliasing, I just haven't looked into yet (but there's an issue open for it: #31):

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <sameWorkAs rdf:resource=""/>

Happy to look more into it if you can confirm the above data is what you're looking for.

tobie commented 10 years ago

For reference, here's what the W3C's RDF provides me with in terms of data (after copious massaging):

aria-roadmap => wai-aria-roadmap
aria-role => wai-aria
aria-state => wai-aria
capture-api => html-media-capture
compositing => compositing-1
Content-in-RDF => Content-in-RDF10
CSP11 => CSP2
css-fonts-3 => css3-webfonts
css-masking => css-masking-1
css-namespaces-3 => css3-namespace
css-variables => css-variables-1
CSS21 => CSS2
css3-cascade => css-cascade-3
css3-flexbox => css-flexbox-1
css3-fonts => css3-webfonts
css3-gcpm => css-gcpm-3
css3-grid-layout => css-grid-1
css3-iccprof => css3-color
css3-lists => css-lists-3
css3-namespace => css-namespaces-3
css3-ruby => css-ruby-1
css3-syntax => css-syntax-3
css3-text => css-text-3
css3-transforms => css-transforms-1
css3-webfonts => css-fonts-3
css3-writing-modes => css-writing-modes-3
DOM-Bindings => WebIDL
domcore => dom
EARL10 => EARL10-Schema
file-upload => FileAPI
filter-effects => filter-effects-1
HTTP-in-RDF => HTTP-in-RDF10
i18n-html-tech => i18n-html-tech-lang
json-ld-syntax => json-ld
owl-absyn => owl-semantics
owl11-mapping-to-rdf => owl2-mapping-to-rdf
owl11-semantics => owl2-direct-semantics
owl11-syntax => owl2-syntax
owl2-semantics => owl2-direct-semantics
owl2-test => owl2-conformance
Pointers-in-RDF => Pointers-in-RDF10
PR-rdf-syntax => rdf-syntax-grammar
qaframe-intro => qa-handbook
qaframe-ops => qa-handbook
query-datamodel => xpath-datamodel
query-semantics => xquery-semantics
rdf-text => rdf-plain-literal
rdfa-in-html => html-rdfa
REC-xml => xml
REC-xml-names => xml-names
SVGMobile12 => SVGTiny12
SVGPrint => SVGPrint12
sysenv => DPF
tt-af-1-0-req => ttaf1-req
ttaf1-dfxp => ttml1
ttml1 => ttaf1-dfxp
UISafety => UISecurity
WAPF-REQ => widgets-reqs
WD-charreq => charreq
WebSimpleDB => IndexedDB
widgets-vmmf => view-mode
ws-addr-wsdl => ws-addr-metadata
wsc-xit => wsc-ui
wsdl12 => wsdl20
wsdl12-bindings => wsdl20-adjuncts
wsdl12-patterns => wsdl20-adjuncts
wsdl20-bindings => wsdl20-adjuncts
wsdl20-extensions => wsdl20-adjuncts
wsdl20-patterns => wsdl20-adjuncts
xhtml-m12n-schema => xhtml-modularization
xhtml-rdfa-primer => rdfa-primer
xml-events => xml-events2
xmlenc-core => xmlenc-core1
xmlenc-core1 => xmlenc-core
xmlquery-full-text-requirements => xpath-full-text-10-requirements
xmlquery-full-text-use-cases => xpath-full-text-10-use-cases
xmlquery-req => xquery-requirements
xmlquery-use-cases => xquery-use-cases
xpath-21 => xpath-30
xpath-datamodel-11 => xpath-datamodel-30
xpath-functions-11 => xpath-functions-30
xquery-11 => xquery-30
xquery-11-requirements => xquery-30-requirements
xquery-11-use-cases => xquery-30-use-cases
xquery-full-text => xpath-full-text-10
xquery-full-text-requirements => xpath-full-text-10-requirements
xquery-operators => xpath-functions
xquery-update-requirements => xquery-update-10-requirements
xqueryx-11 => xqueryx-30
xqupdate => xquery-update-10
xqupdateusecases => xquery-update-10-use-cases
xslt-21 => xslt-30
xslt-xquery-serialization-11 => xslt-xquery-serialization-30

There's a bunch of issues still, including some recursive madness for which I filed a ticket against sysreq.

My plans would be to ship this asap, then have you add the missing ones directly in biblio.json. We'll special case any issues that sysreq can't fix in the script itself. LMK if that works for you.

tobie commented 10 years ago

/cc @deniak for the circular madness, see below:

css3-fonts => css3-webfonts
css-fonts-3 => css3-webfonts
xmlenc-core1 => xmlenc-core
ttml1 => ttaf1-dfxp
css-namespaces-3 => css3-namespace
css3-webfonts => css-fonts-3
ttaf1-dfxp => ttml1
xmlenc-core => xmlenc-core1
css3-namespace => css-namespaces-3
tabatkins commented 10 years ago

Modulo those problematic ones, this looks OK. I can fix the rest myself.

tobie commented 10 years ago

So @deniak fixed the problematic ones. I'm now trying to get this into the auto-updating script. Will update this issue as soon as it's fixed and deployed.