tobii / glasses3-pylib

A Python client library for Glasses3
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INFO:root:No services found on Tobii Glasses 3 #94

Open f7qUAKRDqqZtiTJDkA9DluD7g6RpvlRA8vkYWUR opened 1 year ago

f7qUAKRDqqZtiTJDkA9DluD7g6RpvlRA8vkYWUR commented 1 year ago

Hi I'm trying to record the gaze stream and the basic scene stream using python API with the examples file "" when I run this file I get the

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/j/Projects/SeaJay/g3pylib/examples/", line 63, in <module>
  File "/home/j/Projects/SeaJay/g3pylib/examples/", line 58, in main
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 44, in run
    return loop.run_until_complete(main)
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 649, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/home/j/Projects/SeaJay/g3pylib/examples/", line 14, in stream_rtsp
    async with connect_to_glasses.with_hostname(
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/site-packages/g3pylib/", line 315, in __aenter__
    return await self
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/site-packages/g3pylib/", line 303, in __await_impl__
    ws_url, rtsp_url, http_url = await self.url_generator
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/site-packages/g3pylib/", line 242, in _urls_from_hostname
    service = await G3ServiceDiscovery.request_service(hostname)
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/site-packages/g3pylib/", line 281, in request_service
    await service.request(async_zeroconf.zeroconf, timeout)
  File "/home/j/miniconda3/envs/tobii/lib/python3.10/site-packages/g3pylib/", line 147, in request
    raise ServiceNotFoundError

I was trying to debug this and I tried running the "" which gives the output

INFO:root:Listening for glasses3
INFO:root:No services found
INFO:root:Stop listening

I'm getting the IMU messages on the ""

INFO:root:Receiving IMU stream
INFO:root:Received 300 IMU messages
INFO:root:IMU message snapshot: [2.62897626, {'accelerometer': [0.9798405745477999, -1.5756789772131612, -9.707476233997195], 'gyroscope': [-1.8168891299999999, -0.26680614466753827, 5.973127647501231]}]

Please help. thank you.

TvDomlTarGA5BnKtWelrc6xpxTuRTCccwHdhIdJ commented 7 months ago

I had the same issue. I tried to open the stream RTSP with VLC and it works. Does someone know which could be the problem?

7AWSHpxQeUk1xGUb5qGcQr4dEjYyd7kZb6O1XWg commented 2 months ago

It was working fine, from sometime I am having same issue, if anyone could resolve please post