Log Chunk 1
[2024-11-19T22:59:12Z] INFO -- Migration started by jonashogstrom from https://github.com/tobiipro/g3pylib to tobii/glasses3-pylib
[2024-11-19T22:59:12Z] INFO -- Migration ID: 7377e267-6227-448e-b700-29615df60b25
[2024-11-19T22:59:13Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-11-19T22:59:13Z] INFO -- Git source migration started
[2024-11-19T23:03:55Z] INFO -- Git source migration completed
[2024-11-19T23:03:55Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-11-19T23:03:55Z] INFO -- Extraction started
[2024-11-19T23:04:16Z] INFO -- Extraction complete
[2024-11-19T23:04:16Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-11-19T23:04:16Z] INFO -- Transformation started
[2024-11-19T23:04:28Z] INFO -- Transformation complete
[2024-11-19T23:04:28Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-11-19T23:04:30Z] INFO -- Import started
[2024-11-19T23:04:36Z] WARN -- Page visibility is set to public but the organization's settings do not allow public pages.
[2024-11-19T23:04:36Z] WARN -- 'Allow Forking' setting could not be enabled for the repository because it is not enabled at the organization level.
[2024-11-19T23:05:18Z] INFO -- Import complete
[2024-11-19T23:05:18Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
[2024-11-19T23:05:18Z] INFO -- Migration complete
[2024-11-19T23:05:18Z] INFO -- -----------------------------
This is an auto-generated issue. The migration log is in the following comment(s).