Undefined references in Markdown input cause a runtime error in markdown.tcl: it looks for the reference in ::Markdown::_references and can't find it. For example, try this:
Unknown ref: [foo]
I updated "parse_inline" as follows:
if {[info exists references_($ref)]} {
lassign $references_($ref) url title
set url [HtmlEscape [string trim $url {<> }]]
set txt [ParseInline $txt]
set title [ParseInline $title]
set match_found 1
} else {
# Unknown ref: just put in the matching text.
append result $m
Undefined references in Markdown input cause a runtime error in markdown.tcl: it looks for the reference in ::Markdown::_references and can't find it. For example, try this:
I updated "parse_inline" as follows:
For "references_", read "Markdown::_references".