tobozo / ESP32-USB-Soft-Host

An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Are Wemos Lolin ESP32-S3 with integrated USB-OTG connector compatible ? #49

Open M3te0r opened 4 months ago

M3te0r commented 4 months ago

Hi, I'm a fairly beginner in the esp scene but I have a project to use a old Razer Nostromo Keypad as a "programmable macro keypad"

But first I want to try with a dumb spare keyboard I have

I have some Wemos LOLIN ESP32-S3 (+mini) ( => ) at hand and wanted to use the integrated USB-OTG port to plug my keyboard in it...but it doesn't seem to work

From the wemos datasheet D+/D- are on GPIO19/20 but they do not appear on the board itself, are the 19/20 pin internally linked to USB-OTG...idk

Or do I have to use an USB breakout ? But what about the 19/20 pins for D+/D- then ? Is the USB-OTG connector even usable as host for that purpose ?

I'm new to this so if someone could help me understand what's going on...I've seen other S3 devkit with 19/20 pins (D+/D-) + jumper on the back with USB-OTG label like this one :

Videos of attached keyboard projects I found :

tobozo commented 4 months ago


may I suggest you try the USB_Example with one of those connected the pins 15/16 just to see if your dumb spare keyboard and the Razer Nostromo Keypad get detected.

I couldn't find a lot of information on the Razer Nostromo Keypad, its compatibility with USB 1.0 should be confirmed before thinking about using ESP32-USB-Soft-Host.