tobozo / ESP32-USB-Soft-Host

An Arduino wrapper to @sdima1357's usb_soft_host esp-idf example
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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No longer compiles after the update on Arduino IDE #53

Open emanuelelaface opened 2 weeks ago

emanuelelaface commented 2 weeks ago

After the latest update of Arduino IDE no example compiles anymore with the error Compilation error: 'TIMER_BASE_CLK' was not declared in this scope. I think the reason is that it changed the API for the interrupts in the Arduino-ESP32 since version 3.0.0.

tobozo commented 2 weeks ago


indeed esp-idf timers have been migrated to GPTimers

currently the library supports two types of timers:

and now it needs to be modified to handle a third type of timer:

I tried a couple of times to follow the migration guide and only managed to get headaches, some breaking changes in the new timer concept prevent the usb main task to be called from an alarm callback function and I don't know well enough the new paradigm to find a solution to that problem.

so unless a good soul with enough skills provides help, support for arduino-esp32 3.x won't happen any time soon