tobozo / ESP32-targz

🗜️ An Arduino library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
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Unable to untar more than one file #1

Closed chaosct closed 4 years ago

chaosct commented 4 years ago

Hi there.

I'm trying to use the tarExpander function and it only correctly extracts the first file. Afterwards the function exitswithout error.

I've been trying to understand why this is the case, but it is beyond me. Any ideas?

tobozo commented 4 years ago

hey thanks for your feedback :-)

can you please specify how many files in your tar file, what's their size, and how many chars in their path+filename (can't exceed 32 on spiffs) ?

there's an accidental limitation I'm still trying to fix when the file is smaller than the buffer size, does it still occur with bigger files ?

tobozo commented 4 years ago

@chaosct thanks to your reporting I just published a fix that should address that issue, can you update your local version of the ESP32-targz library from the master branch of this repository and confirm this is now working for you ?

If so I'll produce a new release and propagate that through the Arduino Library Manager

tobozo commented 4 years ago

This project has landed in the Arduino Library Manager.

Closing this issue as solved, feel free to reopen if you feel I've missed something :-)