tobozo / ESP32-targz

🗜️ An Arduino library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
118 stars 15 forks source link

Need help testing the new function tarGzStreamUpdater( Stream *stream ); #23

Closed tobozo closed 3 years ago

tobozo commented 3 years ago

As a followup to this esp32-FOTA thread, I'm currently testing a new feature on the main branch.

This function accepts a .tar.gz file or http stream containing binaries for OTA and/or SPIFFS partitions, and uses the UpdateClass to overwrite the affected partitions. The main example of this library has been adapted to test this function and requires the .tar.gz file to be read from the SD Card but can easily be adapted to work with HTTP(s) streams.

I only have tested a couple of use-cases so far, and I'm sure I've missed a lot of real world problems, any kind of feedback is more than welcome :-)