tobozo / ESP32-targz

πŸ—œοΈ An Arduino library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
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gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0. failed at retry --> infinite loop or halt #27

Closed scubachristopher closed 3 years ago

scubachristopher commented 3 years ago


Thought we were good but I didn't test a failure case. Seems when the retry fails, although you return -1, you never bail back to the caller.

Caller snippet:

GzUnpacker *GZUnpacker = new GzUnpacker();

GZUnpacker->haltOnError( true ); // stop on fail (manual restart/reset required)
GZUnpacker->setupFSCallbacks( targzTotalBytesFn, targzFreeBytesFn ); // prevent the partition from exploding, recommended
GZUnpacker->setGzProgressCallback( BaseUnpacker::defaultProgressCallback ); // targzNullProgressCallback or defaultProgressCallback
GZUnpacker->setLoggerCallback( BaseUnpacker::targzPrintLoggerCallback  );    // gz log verbosity

// Read from the stream and decompress to the free OTA partition, then reset
if (!GZUnpacker->gzStreamUpdater(http.getStreamPtr(), UPDATE_SIZE_UNKNOWN) ) {
  Serial.printf("gzHTTPUpdater failed with return code #%d\n", GZUnpacker->tarGzGetError());

Never gets to GZUnpacker with the following log output:

Connected to Wifi: (Christopher) MAC: (40:F5:20:4A:0B:94) IP: ( ESP hostname: (Box-5024-v2014), DNS server: (
Getting IP for URL: (
Found IP for ( (
Attempting to connect to
HTTP.begin successful for
HTTP.get successful for, size of file reported as 782953
[GZUpdater] Starting update with unknown binary size
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ssl_client.cpp:33] _handle_error(): [data_to_read():270]: (-76) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (004C)
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
Wifi is disconnected, status is (6), attempting to reconnect
Attempting to connect to Wifi Station (Christopher) with password (6646664666)
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
Connected to Wifi: (Christopher) MAC: (40:F5:20:4A:0B:94) IP: ( ESP hostname: (Box-5024-v2014), DNS server: (
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
... forever :(

So I modified GzUnpacker::gzReadSourceByte to just return -1 and got this:

Attempting to connect to
HTTP.begin successful for
HTTP.get successful for, size of file reported as 782942
[GZUpdater] Starting update with unknown binary size
bad id bytes
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1091] gzUncompress(): [ERROR] in gzUncompress: uzlib_gzip_parse_header failed (response code -3!
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1463] gzStreamUpdater(): gzHTTPUpdater returned error code -105
[E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:108] targz_system_halt(): System halted after error code #-105

My expectation (fair to say perhaps anyone's) is that it would return false.

Of course when it succeeds, it's beautiful.

I can revert back to my cloned repo with the retry before your refactor. Prefer to stay current. Let me know your thoughts...

tobozo commented 3 years ago

hey @scubachristopher thanks for your feedback

gzReadSourceByte hasn't changed much since that time you hinted at retrying after a fail, it still returns 0 if the read was successful or -1 after a second try failed.

However thanks to you I've found a way to replicate the error (turning off the wifi during transfer) so I'll be able to make a few tests and hopefully come back soon with a solution.

[edit] Spoil :

[edit2] Possible fix on this temporary branch

I turned off the WiFi in the middle of the transfer:

23:49:21.323 -> Connected as
23:49:21.323 ->
23:49:22.217 -> [TAR] firmware_example_esp32.spiffs.bin                                 1507328 bytes -  1507328 Total bytes
23:49:22.217 -> Progress: 0% β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“ 25% β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“β–“[W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:353] _eventCallback(): Reason: 2 - AUTH_EXPIRE
23:49:29.543 -> [E][ssl_client.cpp:33] _handle_error(): [data_to_read():270]: (-76) UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (004C)
23:49:31.465 -> [E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1015] gzReadSourceByte(): readSourceByte read error, available is 0.  failed at retry
23:49:31.465 -> uzlib_get_byte/readSourceByte Errors: 1
23:49:31.498 -> [E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:1767] tarGzStreamUpdater(): tarGzStreamExpander returned error code -6
23:49:31.498 -> [E][ESP32-targz-lib.cpp:108] targz_system_halt(): System halted after error code #-6
tobozo commented 3 years ago

big thanks for fueling this library with your quality feedback, this is now fixed in the latest release, closing this as solved, feel free to reopen if necessary

tobozo commented 1 year ago

@scubachristopher I recently had retry failures when streaming from a SPI ethernet library.

In that situation, retrying right after the failure didn't work because the input buffer was still being filled by another task.

I came up with something different based on a timeout value, it gives more solid results in stressful situations, will publish a new release soon :-)

// consume and return a byte from the source stream into the argument 'out'.
// returns 0 on success, or -1 on error.
unsigned int GzUnpacker::gzReadSourceByte(CC_UNUSED struct GZ::TINF_DATA *data, unsigned char *out)
  _start: // using goto to avoid repeated code blocks
  if (tarGzIO.gz->readBytes( out, 1 ) != 1) {
    uint32_t now = millis();
    uint32_t timeout = now + targz_read_timeout;
    while( !tarGzIO.gz->available() ) {
      if( millis()>timeout ) {
        log_e("gz stream still unresponsive after %dms timeout, giving up", targz_read_timeout);
        return -1;
      vTaskDelay(1); // let the app breathe
    log_w("gz stream was unresponsive during %dms (timeout=%dms)", millis()-now, targz_read_timeout);
    goto _start;
  } else {
    //log_v("read 1 byte: 0x%02x", out[0] );
  if( tarGzIO.gz_size > 0 ) {
    stream_bytesleft -= 1;
  return 0;