tobozo / ESP32-targz

🗜️ An Arduino library to unpack/uncompress tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32 and ESP8266
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uncompress tar stream (file or HTTP) to any destination #52

Closed mc-hamster closed 2 years ago

mc-hamster commented 2 years ago


I see methods to uncompress .tar.gz and .gz streams but no existing methods to uncompress just tar stream and save it to the file system. Is there a way to do this with the library now?


tobozo commented 2 years ago

hey, thanks for your feedback.

Indeed there was no stream method for tarExpander, I've fixed that on branch 1.1.4 and will produce a new release soon.

Thanks for pointing out the lack of stream support for tar :+1:

tobozo commented 2 years ago

there's a new release implementing tarStreamExpander, it'll propagate soon in Arduino registry and is already available in platformio registry.

    bool tarStreamExpander( Stream *stream, size_t streamSize, fs::FS &destFS, const char* destFolder );

I'm closing this issue, feel free to reopen and/or add followup.

mc-hamster commented 2 years ago

just wow, thanks mate!

mc-hamster commented 2 years ago


I updated an example with the new method and can't seem to have it write to the file system.

Could I kindly ask that you look this over? It's probably something glaringly obvious.

I'll send a PR for this example after some cleanup.

tobozo commented 2 years ago

All I can think of is it doesn't like -1 as a stream size.

If the web server you're downloading the file from sends the Content-Length headers you can get the size as follows:

      String contentLengthStr = http.header("Content-Length");
      int64_t streamSize = -1;
      if( contentLengthStr != "" ) {
        streamSize = atoi( contentLengthStr.c_str() );
      if (!TARUnpacker->tarStreamExpander(streamptr, streamSize, tarGzFS, "/"))
      // ...
mc-hamster commented 2 years ago

@tobozo Rock on! I'll submit a PR for the example to support this shortly.