tobsch / mediaelement_rails

An easy as hell mediaelementjs rails integration for asset pipeline enabled apps...
MIT License
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Asset depends on 'mediaelement_rails/bigplay.svg' but not declared the dependency #25

Open tetherit opened 10 years ago

tetherit commented 10 years ago

After adding:

gem 'sprockets_better_errors'

To my gem file, it is identifying this problem with this gem:

Asset depends on 'mediaelement_rails/bigplay.svg' to generate properly but has not declared the dependency
Please add: `//= depend_on_asset "mediaelement_rails/bigplay.svg"` to '/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/mediaelement_rails-0.5.1/app/assets/stylesheets/mediaelement_rails/mediaelementplayer.css.erb'
fusion2004 commented 10 years ago

Will check this out shortly!