tobspr / RenderPipeline

Physically Based Shading and Deferred Rendering for the Panda3D game engine
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Scattering Plugin Appears Broken - Only black screen showing when it is enabled #105

Open typewriter1 opened 5 years ago

typewriter1 commented 5 years ago

I have had this working for me before, but I just updated to the latest master and RenderPipeline works better now (lights did not work, I got an error about IesDatasetTex (actually, there is no error any more, but lights still have no effect)).

However, now, when I run the samples with only scattering enabled and using either eric_bruenton or hosek_wilkie, all I see is a black screen with some white for light.

Windows 10, Intel GPU.

tobspr commented 5 years ago

Do you get any errors on the console? Also, Intel GPUs are known to cause trouble

typewriter1 commented 5 years ago

When running the car demo with no plugins except scattering:

[>] CORE                      Using panda3d-supplied core module
[>] RenderPipeline            Using Python 3.6 with architecture win_amd64
[>] RenderPipeline            Using Panda3D 1.10.0 built on Aug 12 2018 16:43:23
[>] RenderPipeline            Using git commit 00b5c9d168b225bbd5bc17acf78c24654aa6f27f
[>] MountManager              Auto-Detected base path to /c/Users/avise/Desktop/Games/RenderPipeline-master
[>] RenderPipeline            Mount manager was not mounted, mounting now ...
[>] MountManager              Setting up virtual filesystem
[>] MountManager              Mounting auto-detected config dir: /c/Users/avise/Desktop/Games/RenderPipeline-master/config/
[>] MountManager              Mounting ramdisk as /$$rptemp
[>] RenderPipeline            No settings loaded, loading from default location
Known pipe types:
(all display modules loaded.)
[>] RenderPipeline            Driver Version = 4.3.0 - Build
[>] RenderPipeline            Driver Vendor = Intel
[>] RenderPipeline            Driver Renderer = Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
[>] RenderPipeline            Render resolution is 1600 x 900
[>] LightManager              Tile size = 24 x 16 , Num tiles = 67 x 57
[>] GPUCommandQueue           Allocating command buffer of size 32768
[>] GroupedInputBlock         Native UBO support = False
[!] RPLoader                  Loading '/$$rp/data/default_cubemap/cubemap.txo' took 241.05 ms
[!] RPLoader                  Loading '/$$rp/data/builtin_models/skybox/skybox.txo' took 84.63 ms
[>] PluginManager             Loading plugin settings
[>] PluginManager             Creating plugin instances ..
[>] Debugger                  Creating debugger
[>] plugin:scattering         Loading scattering method for 'eric_bruneton'
[>] StageManager              Setup stages ..
[>] StageManager              Preparing stages ..
[>] StageManager              Writing shader config
[!] RPLoader                  Loading '/$$rptemp/$$effect-skybox@vertex-voxelize@-2654568264634693128-00000100.glsl, /$$rptemp/$$effect-skybox@fragment-voxelize@-2654568264634693128-00000100.glsl' took 108.36 ms
[!] RPLoader                  Loading '/$$rptemp/$$effect-skybox@vertex-envmap@-2654568264634693128-00000100.glsl, /$$rptemp/$$effect-skybox@fragment-envmap@-2654568264634693128-00000100.glsl' took 112.72 ms
[!] RPLoader                  Loading '/$$rptemp/$$effect-skybox@vertex-forward@-2654568264634693128-00000100.glsl, /$$rptemp/$$effect-skybox@fragment-forward@-2654568264634693128-00000100.glsl' took 106.94 ms
[!] RPLoader                  Skipping further loading warnings (max warning count reached)
[>] ScatteringMethodEricBruneton Precomputing ...
[>] RenderPipeline            Finished initialization in 4.479 s, first frame: 3
[!] RenderPipeline            env_probes plugin is not loaded - cannot add environment probe
[>] RenderPipeline            Took 8.255 s until first frame
[>] ExposureWidget            Disabling exposure widget, could not find the exposure data.
[!] Panda3D                   :linmath(warning): Tried to invert singular LMatrix4.
[>] RenderPipeline            Hiding loading screen after 10 pre-rendered frames.


I get the warning [!] Panda3D :linmath(warning): Tried to invert singular LMatrix4. even with scattering disabled.

typewriter1 commented 5 years ago

Is this intended to run on Intel GPU's?

ghost commented 4 years ago

I have an nvidia gpu and I also have problems with scattering. I get these errors Screenshot_2020-03-10_23-43-48

ohouha commented 3 years ago

@typewriter1 right now I got same issues, Do you get any solution?

typewriter1 commented 3 years ago


222464 commented 3 years ago

AMD GPU, Manjaro Linux. Same errors, I am guessing there is no fix yet?

kergalym commented 2 years ago

I have an nvidia gpu and I also have problems with scattering. I get these errors Screenshot_2020-03-10_23-43-48

Mesa OpenGL spec doesn't allow extension to be defined in the middle of a shader, so I think:

This could be fixed by moving defined extension:

extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable





and placing it after the line

version 430

zikaura commented 2 years ago

So can we close this?