toby-p /

Python class to scrape data from and return listings in a pandas DataFrame object
MIT License
251 stars 112 forks source link

Changes to add functionality and hold off errors #17

Closed HarvsG closed 4 years ago

HarvsG commented 4 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Dependencies
from lxml import html, etree
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt

class _GetDataFromURL(object):
    """This "private" class does all the heavy lifting of fetching data from the
    URL provided, and then returns data to the main `rightmove_data` class
    instance. The reason for this is so that all the validation and web-scraping
    is done when an instance is created, and afterwards the data is accessible
    quickly via methods on the `rightmove_data` instance."""

    def __init__(self, url):
        """Initialize an instance of the scraper by passing a URL from the
        results of a property search on"""
        self.url = url
        self.first_page = self.make_request(self.url)
        self.get_results = self.__get_results

    def validate_url(self):
        """Basic validation that the URL at least starts in the right format and
        returns status code 200."""
        real_url = "{}://{}/find.html?"
        protocols = ["http", "https"]
        types = ["property-to-rent", "property-for-sale", "new-homes-for-sale"]
        left_urls = [real_url.format(p, t) for p in protocols for t in types]
        conditions = [self.url.startswith(u) for u in left_urls]
        conditions.append(self.first_page[1] == 200)
        if not any(conditions):
            raise ValueError("Invalid rightmove URL:\n\n\t{}".format(self.url))

    def rent_or_sale(self):
        """Tag to determine if the search is for properties for rent or sale.
        Required beacuse the Xpaths are different for the target elements."""
        if "/property-for-sale/" in self.url \
        or "/new-homes-for-sale/" in self.url:
             return "sale"
        elif "/property-to-rent/" in self.url:
            return "rent"
            raise ValueError("Invalid rightmove URL:\n\n\t{}".format(self.url))

    def results_count(self):
        """Returns an integer of the total number of listings as displayed on
        the first page of results. Note that not all listings are available to
        scrape because rightmove limits the number of accessible pages."""
        tree = html.fromstring(self.first_page[0])
        xpath = """//span[@class="searchHeader-resultCount"]/text()"""
            return int(tree.xpath(xpath)[0].replace(",", ""))
            print('error extracting the result count header')
            return 1050

    def page_count(self):
        """Returns the number of result pages returned by the search URL. There
        are 24 results per page. Note that the website limits results to a
        maximum of 42 accessible pages."""
        page_count = self.results_count // 24
        if self.results_count % 24 > 0: page_count += 1
        # Rightmove will return a maximum of 42 results pages, hence:
        if page_count > 42: page_count = 42
        return page_count

    def make_request(url):
        r = requests.get(url)
        # Minimise the amount returned to reduce overheads:
        return r.content, r.status_code

    def get_page(self, request_content):
        """Method to scrape data from a single page of search results. Used
        iteratively by the `get_results` method to scrape data from every page
        returned by the search."""
        # Process the html:
        tree = html.fromstring(request_content)

        # Set xpath for price:
        if self.rent_or_sale == "rent":
            xp_prices = """//span[@class="propertyCard-priceValue"]/text()"""
        elif self.rent_or_sale == "sale":
            xp_prices = """//div[@class="propertyCard-priceValue"]/text()"""

        # Set xpaths for listing title, property address, URL, and agent URL:
        xp_titles = """//div[@class="propertyCard-details"]\
        xp_addresses = """//address[@class="propertyCard-address"]//span/text()"""
        xp_weblinks = """//div[@class="propertyCard-details"]\
        xp_agent_urls = """//div[@class="propertyCard-contactsItem"]\

        # Create data lists from xpaths:
        price_pcm = tree.xpath(xp_prices)
        titles = tree.xpath(xp_titles)
        addresses = tree.xpath(xp_addresses)
        base = ""
        weblinks = ["{}{}".format(base, tree.xpath(xp_weblinks)[w]) \
                    for w in range(len(tree.xpath(xp_weblinks)))]
        agent_urls = ["{}{}".format(base, tree.xpath(xp_agent_urls)[a]) \
                      for a in range(len(tree.xpath(xp_agent_urls)))]

        #get floorplan from property urls
        floorplan_urls = []
        for weblink in weblinks:
            rc = self.make_request(weblink)
            tree = html.fromstring(rc[0])

            xp_floorplan_url = """//*[@id="floorplanTabs"]/div[2]/div[2]/img/@src"""
            floorplan_url = tree.xpath(xp_floorplan_url)
            if floorplan_url == []:

        # Store the data in a Pandas DataFrame:
        data = [price_pcm, titles, addresses, weblinks, agent_urls, floorplan_urls]
        temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        temp_df = temp_df.transpose()
        temp_df.columns = ["price", "type", "address", "url", "agent_url", "floorplan_url"]

        # Drop empty rows which come from placeholders in the html:
        temp_df = temp_df[temp_df["address"].notnull()]
        return temp_df

    def __get_results(self):
        """Pandas DataFrame with all results returned by the search."""
        # Create DataFrame of the first page (which has already been requested):
        results = self.get_page(self.first_page[0])

        # Iterate through the rest of the pages scraping results:
        if self.page_count > 1:
            for p in range(1, self.page_count + 1, 1):

                # Create the URL of the specific results page:
                p_url = "{}&index={}".format(str(self.url), str((p * 24)))

                # Make the request:
                rc = self.make_request(p_url)

                # Requests to scrape lots of pages eventually get status 400, so:
                if rc[1] != 200: break

                # Create a temporary dataframe of page results:
                temp_df = self.get_page(rc[0])

                # Concatenate the temporary dataframe with the full dataframe:
                frames = [results, temp_df]
                results = pd.concat(frames)

        # Reset the index:
        results.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)

        # Convert price column to numeric type:
        results["price"].replace(regex=True, inplace=True, to_replace=r"\D", value=r"")
        results["price"] = pd.to_numeric(results["price"])

        # Extract postcodes to a separate column:
        pat = r"\b([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]?[0-9][0-9]?[A-Za-z]?)\b"
        results["postcode"] = results["address"].astype(str).str.extract(pat, expand=True)

        # Extract number of bedrooms from "type" to a separate column:
        pat = r"\b([\d][\d]?)\b"
        results["number_bedrooms"] = results.type.astype(str).str.extract(pat, expand=True)
        results.loc[results["type"].astype(str).str.contains("studio", case=False), "number_bedrooms"] = 0

        # Clean up annoying white spaces and newlines in "type" column:
        for row in range(len(results)):
            type_str = results.loc[row, "type"]
            clean_str = type_str.strip("\n").strip()
            results.loc[row, "type"] = clean_str

        # Add column with datetime when the search was run (i.e. now):
        now =
        results["search_date"] = now

        return results

class rightmove_data(object):
    """The `rightmove_data` web scraper collects structured data on properties
    returned by a search performed on

    An instance of the class created with a rightmove URL provides attributes to
    easily access data from the search results, the most useful being
    `get_results`, which returns all results as a Pandas DataFrame object.
    def __init__(self, url):
        """Initialize the scraper with a URL from the results of a property
        search performed on"""
        self.__request_object = _GetDataFromURL(url)
        self.__url = url

    def url(self):
        return self.__url

    def get_results(self):
        """Pandas DataFrame of all results returned by the search."""
        return self.__request_object.get_results

    def results_count(self):
        """Total number of results returned by `get_results`. Note that the
        rightmove website may state a much higher number of results; this is
        because they artificially restrict the number of results pages that can
        be accessed to 42."""
        return len(self.get_results)

    def average_price(self):
        """Average price of all results returned by `get_results` (ignoring
        results which don't list a price)."""
        total = self.get_results["price"].dropna().sum()
        return int(total / self.results_count)

    def summary(self, by="number_bedrooms"):
        """Pandas DataFrame summarising the the results by mean price and count.
        By default grouped by the `number_bedrooms` column but will accept any
        column name from `get_results` as a grouper."""
        df = self.get_results.dropna(axis=0, subset=["price"])
        groupers = {"price":["count", "mean"]}
        df = df.groupby(df[by]).agg(groupers).astype(int)
        df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(1)
        if "number_bedrooms" in df.columns:
            df["number_bedrooms"] = df["number_bedrooms"].astype(int)
            df.sort_values(by=["number_bedrooms"], inplace=True)
            df.sort_values(by=["count"], inplace=True, ascending=False)
        return df.reset_index(drop=True)

I have made some changes on a fork. Unfortunately as I did a lot of renaming it wouldn't be possible for me to put them in a pull request.

Mostly I butchered in functionality to scrape floor plan URLs and changed some of the pandas processing to cast .astype(str) to prevent some errors I was getting. I wanted to share these changes with you in case they were of use.

HarvsG commented 4 years ago

Scrapes the floorplan URL - I then use this for OCR to extract information

        #get floorplan from property urls
        floorplan_urls = []
        for weblink in weblinks:
            rc = self.make_request(weblink)
            tree = html.fromstring(rc[0])

            xp_floorplan_url = """//*[@id="floorplanTabs"]/div[2]/div[2]/img/@src"""
            floorplan_url = tree.xpath(xp_floorplan_url)
            if floorplan_url == []:

        # Store the data in a Pandas DataFrame:
        data = [price_pcm, titles, addresses, weblinks, agent_urls, floorplan_urls]

I was getting some errors about things not being string type when doing very large scrapes. So I added the astype(str) to make the code more error resistant

        # Extract postcodes to a separate column:
        pat = r"\b([A-Za-z][A-Za-z]?[0-9][0-9]?[A-Za-z]?)\b"
        results["postcode"] = results["address"].astype(str).str.extract(pat, expand=True)

        # Extract number of bedrooms from "type" to a separate column:
        pat = r"\b([\d][\d]?)\b"
        results["number_bedrooms"] = results.type.astype(str).str.extract(pat, expand=True)
        results.loc[results["type"].astype(str).str.contains("studio", case=False), "number_bedrooms"] = 0

I was getting some error that traced back here for reasons I couldn't explain so I butchered in a try: except block:

            return int(tree.xpath(xpath)[0].replace(",", ""))
            print('error extracting the result count header')
            return 1050
toby-p commented 4 years ago

This looks cool thanks, I'll try to get this working in my version.

toby-p commented 4 years ago

@HarvsG I've included the floorplan scraping functionality in the new version just published, you just have to pass get_floorplans=True when instantiating the object. I've found that doing this drastically increases the runtime, I guess as it's making so many requests, so have set the default to not do this.