tobychui / zoraxy

A general purpose HTTP reverse proxy and forwarding tool. Now written in Go!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.08k stars 113 forks source link

[ENHANCEMENTS] Zrok support (similar to ZeroTier, FOSS) #136

Open Darthagnon opened 1 month ago

Darthagnon commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. ZeroTier is a proprietary way of routing homelab stuff worldwide. Zrok works in a similar way, but is FOSS. It can route ports publicly or privately worldwide, and could be configured manually to work with Zoraxy.

Describe the solution you'd like Would it be possible to add built-in Zrok support, similar to ZeroTier?

tobychui commented 1 month ago

@Darthagnon Thanks for the suggestion! In fact a few users ask for Zrok since v2 but I don't personally use Zrok and my spare-time development schedule is quite full just by working on the core function of Zoraxy. I will keep this here and see if any contributors want to pick it up and add Zrok support.

For those who are interested to contribute and not knowing where to start, you can reach me via my email ( and I will guide you through the code base and give you some insights on how to add your own module :)

Darthagnon commented 1 month ago

Related, similar request #4 - I reckon Zrok would fit well into the Global Area Network page. Once I get a bit more practice with GoLang, I'll take a look at this feature, too.

I really like Zoraxy, and I really appreciate the NT 6.1 builds, without which I couldn't use it. Thank you!