tobychui / zoraxy

A general purpose HTTP reverse proxy and forwarding tool. Now written in Go!
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.05k stars 112 forks source link

[ENHANCEMENTS] UDP Tunneling / Proxy #147

Closed DerLeole closed 1 week ago

DerLeole commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Zoraxy allows tunneling TCP connections similar to Stream Hosts in NginxProxyManager. The screenshots demonstrate one of its main use cases with the example of a Minecraft game server. However some Games (or in my case a specific mod for MC) require a UDP connection which does not seem to be possible at the moment.

Describe the solution you'd like Add a feature that paralells how the TCP Proxy already works, but for UDP connections instead.

Describe alternatives you've considered Refactor the TCP Proxy feature into a general "Stream Proxy" feature that allows for either UDP, TCP, or both for the specific connection. This is probably the cleaner and prefered method.

Thank you very much for your work on this.

tobychui commented 1 month ago

The TCP proxy function was stolen forked from this repo

As the original repo didn't support UDP yet (it is in the to-do list), we need to wait for the project to be updated in order to integrate it into Zoraxy.

mflagler commented 1 month ago

Considering the last commit to NATBypass was 6 years ago, I wouldn't hold my breath that this will ever happen.

Edit: Just doing some searching, I came across this repo that claims to do both. Not a Go programmer, so not sure what it would take to implement.

tworth04 commented 1 month ago

this one seems to be more actively maintained...

tobychui commented 1 week ago

I have manually added UDP proxy function into the original NATBypass code base. I am still testing it right now and I guess this feature should be ready in 1 or 2 releases. 圖片

DerLeole commented 1 week ago

Man that's some great work! Thank you so much.

tobychui commented 1 week ago

圖片 Feature added in v3.0.6