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[18 India] Choosing home station for second RR in OO city is not clear #11308

Open fanman80 opened 4 weeks ago

fanman80 commented 4 weeks ago

Game 183290


Edit 10/29/24: I learned my initial understanding reported yesterday as in error. The above and following in italics was my initial post:

Here are the comments I made to alert the other players to the situation: [20:50] Pawnpusher: @all, It's not letting me do anything after choosing where the NWR token goes. [20:52] Pawnpusher: It is letting me upgrade Delhi like it's a dit, into a one station green city. Obviously, that's not what I want to do. [20:56] Pawnpusher: There's no "Skip Track" button or "Done Track" button or "Skip Token" button or any other kind of action button. [20:58] Pawnpusher: I can "Undo" or "Restart Turn", and that's it.

Edit 10/29/24 continued: Another player pointed out that I needed to choose the home station for the other RR in the OO city. That player also went into master mode and did it for me.

It would be nice for the game to either display a message stating for the player to choose the other RR's token location, or for the game to do it automatically since there would be only one location left for that token.

The display of green single station tiles to choose from when clicking on the yellow OO tile was very confusing.