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[1889] Mitsubishi Ferry error #1156

Closed SmithInMN closed 4 years ago

SmithInMN commented 4 years ago

During my OR turn, I bought the Mitsubishi Ferry private in and tried to lay the ferry tile just SW of AR. It wouldn’t lay. I thought it might have been an issue with buying the private at the start of that turn... but on a later OR (after the first 5T) I tried to lay a different dit tile into the same hex and I could not lay a tile.

Is it registered as a tile lay, but just not showing the tile?

{ "status": "active", "actions": [ { "type": "bid", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 1, "company": "DR", "price": 65 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 2, "company": "UTF", "price": 155 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 3, "company": "TR", "price": 20 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 4, "company": "SMR", "price": 55 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 5, "company": "ER", "price": 45 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 6 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 7, "company": "MF", "price": 30 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 8, "message": "We are at a similar position to where we were last game... if everyone passes, those with privates will get paid and the bidding will keep going until all privates are sold." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 9 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 10 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 11 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 12 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 13, "company": "SIR", "price": 80 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 14, "message": "So, did my math wrong and just re-evaluated my whole starting strategy. Probably gonna tank, but once again amused by the difference in object permanence between physical and digital game components." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 15, "message": "Yeah, I’m playing another game of 1889 and I didn’t check the trains and got crushed by all my trains rusting between my turns. First to worst in one round. And it sucks because if it was a live game, I would see it happening. It is a very different animal playing online like this." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 16, "message": "It’s good and it’s fun and it’s a hell of a lot better than nothing... but it’s not the same. I have won some games I probably should have lost... and lost a few games I probably should have lost by more. 😆" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 17, "message": "I might go raiding some Monopoly money and write a few notecards just to have the physicality." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 18, "message": "Maybe get a few stuffed animals to stand in for y’all around my dining room table." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 19, "message": "Y’know, perfectly normal quarantine things." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 20, "message": "If you really want to go overboard, the full print-and-play files are available for free on BGG... " }, { "type": "par", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 21, "corporation": "IR", "share_price": "80,2,3" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 22, "message": "Pff, like I have a printer." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 23, "message": "Millenial!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 24, "message": ":)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 25, "message": "I only know this game playing online, so I might get disoriented playing the physical version." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 26, "message": "One good thing about online version is that the map tiles can't accidentally get bumped our of alignment" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 27 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 28, "message": "Lewis, are you not going to buy any shares? No shares, no chance for income based on trains running..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 29, "message": "I can’t float a company on my own or afford to out buy anyone, so I’m going to have to piggyback on someone else’s company until I can cash out and start one myself. I know that there’s going to be more rounds for buying before the end of this stock market, and so I’m going to wait, see what’s getting funded, and then buy." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 30, "message": "👍" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 31, "message": "Makes sense" }, { "type": "par", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 32, "corporation": "KO", "share_price": "75,3,3" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 33, "message": "It is an interesting question: Buy other people’s shares and potentially help them operate, but know that you can trash their share value later... or hang back and just wait and come in later and not buy as many trains that will rust, but maybe miss some income." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 34, "message": "If only there were bonds to invest in and collect 3% per year.... :)" }, { "type": "par", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 35, "corporation": "TR", "share_price": "80,2,3" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 36, "message": "The payments being automated are pretty nice, so I like that part of playing online... but there is a tactile and social piece that is not the same. Again, a ton better than nothing, but just not quite the same." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 37, "message": "If someone could just keep buying KO for me, that’s my only move this SR." }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 38, "shares": [ "IR_1" ] }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 39, "shares": [ "KO_1" ] }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 40, "shares": [ "KO_2" ] }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 41, "shares": [ "TR_1" ] }, { "id": 42, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "shares": [ "IR_2" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 43, "message": "Thanks!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 44, "message": "I will be passing this round." }, { "id": 45, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "shares": [ "KO_3" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 46, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "shares": [ "KO_4" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 47, "message": "Oh wait!! The game auto passed me but I should be able to use my company ability to get the 10% of IR!! " }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 48, "message": "Did I need to use that before buying last round? How would I have known that was the order of operations? This game can be so opaque." }, { "id": 49, "type": "undo", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 50, "type": "undo", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 51, "type": "undo", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 52, "type": "redo", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 53, "type": "redo", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 54, "type": "undo", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 55, "type": "undo", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "DR", "entity_type": "company", "id": 56, "shares": [ "IR_2" ] }, { "id": 57, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "shares": [ "KO_3" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 58, "message": "I’m fixing it..." }, { "id": 59, "type": "undo", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 60, "shares": [ "IR_3" ] }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 61, "shares": [ "KO_3" ] }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 62, "shares": [ "KO_4" ] }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 63, "message": "I got burned on that before also. You have to use that private while you still have a legal buy or sell action. It’s stupid that it is set up that way." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 64, "message": "Thx" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 65, "message": "Not a problem." }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 66, "shares": [ "IR_4" ] }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 67, "shares": [ "TR_2" ] }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 68, "hex": "E2", "tile": "57-0", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 69, "train": "2-0", "price": 80 }, { "id": 70, "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 71, "type": "undo", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 72 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 73, "message": "Went to Banning SP today. Drove via Rush City, and definitely some trees down from the storm/tornados" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 74, "message": "Did you stop at that weird Banning Junction market by I-35?" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 75, "hex": "J3", "tile": "8-0", "rotation": 3 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 76, "train": "2-1", "price": 80 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 77, "train": "2-2", "price": 80 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 78 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 79, "message": "No, we brought a picnic and had it at a park in Sandstone after the hike" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 80, "message": "I'm passing for this whole stock round " }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 81, "message": "I guess John is the only one of us with enough $$ to buy anything :)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 82, "message": "That’s a pretty nice area. I think Viv and I are going for a bike ride near Sakatah SP on Wednesday if it is not another round of TStorms." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 83, "message": "The kids were in a bickering mood today and kept wanting to get EXCEEDINGLY close to the edges of the trails, so today wasn't exactly a relaxing stroll in the woods for me" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 84, "message": "The limit of your boys as your boys approach the edge? :)" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 85, "shares": [ "TR_3" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 86 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 87, "message": "Exactly. Except I was afraid that there was not going to be an asymptote" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 88 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 89, "message": "The intersection of calculus and misbehaving youths would not get over with a lot of gaming groups... but this is the right room for that sort of talk!" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 90 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 91 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 92 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 93, "hex": "G8", "tile": "9-0", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 94, "train": "2-3", "price": 80 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 95 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 96, "message": "Ok, I need clarification. I own sumitomo mines, which I thought meant I could build trains through mountains without cost, or do I \"own\" it later?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 97, "message": "You can’t use it until the first 3T is bought and then you can sell it to a company which then uses it..." }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 98, "hex": "D3", "tile": "9-1", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 99, "routes": [ { "train": "2-0", "connections": [ [ "F1", "E2" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 100, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 101, "train": "2-4", "price": 80 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 102 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 103, "hex": "K6", "tile": "8-1", "rotation": 3 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 104, "routes": [ { "train": "2-1", "connections": [ [ "K4", "J3", "J1" ] ] }, { "train": "2-2", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K6", "K4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 105, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 106, "train": "2-5", "price": 80 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 107 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 108, "message": "You can pass me." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 109 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 110, "message": "Pass me also pls" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 111, "message": "Oh yeah... where are my manners? Por favor. " }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 112, "message": "Okay, thanks for the clarification." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 113, "message": "No problem... luckily we are fresh out of 2T’s, so you should be able to buy it in soon!" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 114, "shares": [ "KO_5" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 115 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 116 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 117 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 118, "message": "I will need to pass as well." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 119 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 120 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 121 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 122, "routes": [ { "train": "2-0", "connections": [ [ "F1", "E2" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 123, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 124, "train": "3-0", "price": 180 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 125 }, { "id": 126, "type": "buy_company", "price": 80, "entity": "IR", "company": "ER", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 127, "type": "undo", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 128, "type": "buy_company", "price": 40, "entity": "IR", "company": "ER", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 129, "type": "undo", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "buy_company", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 130, "company": "ER", "price": 80 }, { "id": 131, "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 132, "type": "undo", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "ER", "entity_type": "company", "id": 133, "hex": "C4", "tile": "14-0", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 134 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 135, "hex": "J5", "tile": "58-0", "rotation": 2 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 136, "routes": [ { "train": "2-1", "connections": [ [ "K4", "J3", "J1" ] ] }, { "train": "2-2", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K6", "K4" ] ] }, { "train": "2-5", "connections": [ [ "K4", "J5" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 137, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 138 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 139 }, { "type": "buy_company", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 140, "company": "SMR", "price": 100 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 141, "hex": "H7", "tile": "5-0", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 142 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 143, "routes": [ { "train": "2-3", "connections": [ [ "F9", "G8", "H7" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 144, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 145, "train": "3-1", "price": 180 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 146 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 147 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 148, "shares": [ "KO_6" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 149 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 150, "message": "Pass me around, please!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 151, "message": "just had the first tomato from the garden on chicken burgers. it was yummy" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 152, "message": "Oh excellent. We just had our first cucumber used in all three meals this Sunday." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 153, "message": "oh man, if y'all need cukes, let me hook you up. i'm going to BE a cucumber by the end of this summer at this rate" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 154, "message": "I’ll take some cucumbers. I didn’t plant anything this summer. I wish I had, though." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 155, "message": "awesome. i'll text you. next wk sometime?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 156, "message": "Sure. Just let me know!" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 157, "shares": [ "TR_4" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 158 }, { "type": "par", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 159, "corporation": "UR", "share_price": "80,2,3" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 160 }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 161, "shares": [ "IR_4" ], "percent": 10 }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 162, "shares": [ "KO_1", "KO_3", "KO_5" ], "percent": 30 }, { "id": 163, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "shares": [ "UR_1" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 164, "type": "undo", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "par", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 165, "corporation": "KU", "share_price": "90,1,3" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 166, "message": "Sorry about the KO share price." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 167 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 168, "message": "It was always going to happen. Buy and hold is dead. :)" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 169, "shares": [ "KO_7" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 170 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 171, "message": "John, if you buy the KO share from the market it'll be 65 instead of 75. Jsyk" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 172 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 173, "message": "Thanks for the tip. I am picking up the nuances of this game little by little. :)" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 174, "shares": [ "KU_1" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 175 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 176 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 177 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 178 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 179, "shares": [ "KU_2" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 180 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 181 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 182, "message": "Lewis, if you scroll across the top menu bar to Tools, you can enable Master mode and then pass for us. " }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 183 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 184 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 185, "shares": [ "KU_3" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 186 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 187 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 188, "message": "John, not sure if you wanted to pass. I’ll play through to advance the game, but we can always back up, right?" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 189 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 190 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 191 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 192, "hex": "C10", "tile": "6-0", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 193, "train": "3-2", "price": 180 }, { "id": 194, "type": "buy_company", "price": 300, "entity": "KU", "company": "UTF", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 195, "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 196, "type": "buy_company", "price": 60, "entity": "KU", "company": "MF", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 197, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 198, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 199, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 200, "message": " John, not sure if you wanted to pass. I’ll play through to advance the game, but we can always back up, right?" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 201 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 202 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 203, "hex": "B5", "tile": "8-2", "rotation": 4 }, { "id": 204, "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 205, "type": "undo", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 206, "city": "14-0-0", "slot": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 207, "routes": [ { "train": "2-0", "connections": [ [ "F1", "E2" ] ] }, { "train": "2-4", "connections": [ [ "B3", "C4" ] ] }, { "train": "3-0", "connections": [ [ "E2", "D3", "C4" ], [ "B7", "B5", "C4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 208, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 209 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 210 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 211, "hex": "G10", "tile": "58-1", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 212 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 213, "routes": [ { "train": "2-3", "connections": [ [ "F9", "G8", "H7" ] ] }, { "train": "3-1", "connections": [ [ "F9", "G10" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 214, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 215 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 216 }, { "type": "buy_company", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 217, "company": "TR", "price": 40 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 218, "hex": "K4", "tile": "440-0", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 219, "routes": [ { "train": "2-1", "connections": [ [ "J1", "J3", "K4" ] ] }, { "train": "2-2", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K6", "K4" ] ] }, { "train": "2-5", "connections": [ [ "J5", "K4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 220, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 221 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 222 }, { "id": 223, "hex": "C8", "tile": "9-2", "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "rotation": 2, "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 224, "type": "undo", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 225, "hex": "E2", "tile": "15-0", "rotation": 4 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 226, "routes": [ { "train": "2-0", "connections": [ [ "F1", "E2" ] ] }, { "train": "2-4", "connections": [ [ "B3", "C4" ] ] }, { "train": "3-0", "connections": [ [ "C4", "D3", "E2" ], [ "B7", "B5", "C4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 227, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 228 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 229 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 230, "hex": "G12", "tile": "57-1", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 231 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 232, "routes": [ { "train": "2-3", "connections": [ [ "F9", "G8", "H7" ] ] }, { "train": "3-1", "connections": [ [ "G10", "G12" ], [ "F9", "G10" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 233, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 234 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 235 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 236, "message": "My kid just said \"sometimes I forget how long to chew bread for,\" and now I'm wondering if I should drug test him because that there is a thought from a pot brain 😆" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 237, "message": "And the other kid had his mind blown last night when I explained that eyeglasses with because of lenses. His response, \"What?? I thought they injected chemicals into the glasses or something!\". We are having some moments over here" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 238, "hex": "C8", "tile": "8-3", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 239, "routes": [ { "train": "3-2", "connections": [ [ "B7", "B5", "C4" ], [ "B7", "C8", "C10" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "buy_company", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 240, "company": "UTF", "price": 300 }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 241, "kind": "payout" }, { "id": 242, "type": "buy_train", "price": 180, "train": "3-3", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 243, "type": "buy_train", "price": 180, "train": "3-4", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 244, "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 245, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 246, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 247, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 248, "train": "3-3", "price": 180 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 249 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 250 }, { "id": 251, "hex": "I4", "tile": "438-0", "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "rotation": 3, "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 252, "city": "438-0-0", "slot": 0, "type": "place_token", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 253, "type": "undo", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 254, "type": "undo", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 255, "hex": "I4", "tile": "438-0", "rotation": 5 }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 256, "city": "438-0-0", "slot": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 257, "routes": [ { "train": "2-1", "connections": [ [ "J1", "J3", "K4" ] ] }, { "train": "2-2", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K6", "K4" ] ] }, { "train": "2-5", "connections": [ [ "J5", "K4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 258, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 259, "train": "3-4", "price": 180 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 260 }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 261, "shares": [ "TR_2" ], "percent": 10 }, { "type": "par", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 262, "corporation": "AR", "share_price": "100,0,3" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 263, "shares": [ "IR_5" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 264 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 265, "shares": [ "UR_1" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 266 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 267, "shares": [ "UR_2" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 268 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 269, "shares": [ "AR_1" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 270 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 271 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 272, "message": "Pass me for this round." }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 273, "shares": [ "UR_3" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 274 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 275, "shares": [ "UR_4" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 276 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 277, "shares": [ "AR_2" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 278 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 279 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 280, "message": "Interesting cause and effect: If Lewis had not sold my shares, I could run my three 2T’s one more time and float my other company without selling shares... but as it is, Dr Fran’s new company will buy a 4T first and rust my 2T’s..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 281, "message": "I'm eyeballing Lewis too because I'm wondering how sharklike he's tryna be about UR..." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 282 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 283, "message": "After last game I am just trying to do one thing well. I wish we could lay multiple tiles in a turn - too many possible paths! Decisions ..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 284, "message": "I'm supposed to be at Kraftwerk tonight. 2020 is such a bummer" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 285, "shares": [ "UR_5" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 286 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 287, "message": "I am indeed coming for that UR. And I promise it’s not personal even though I’m doing it a second time. I had a plan!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 288, "message": "Kraftwerk?? Where were they going to be playing??" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 289 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 290, "message": "Watched Troop Zero on Amazon Prime tonight with Viv. Trailer makes it look adorable. So much swearing. Even my sweet daughter, who is fascinated with swearing, said it was just too much. PG, my eye." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 291, "message": "And John, I hear you: just doing one thing well is a good approach. Maybe I should adopt that in real life. 😆" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 292 }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 293, "shares": [ "IR_1" ], "percent": 10 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 294, "shares": [ "UR_6" ] }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 295, "message": "😬" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 296, "message": "I had a strategy too" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 297, "message": "This is why I kinda prefer 1824 since it has less stock craziness. It’s a lot more of “build good track and run smart companies.” It’s not that I dislike the stock craziness, I just like the relative absence more. :)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 298, "message": "It has other craziness... but just not stock craziness. " }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 299, "message": "Speaking of craziness, Lewis, I was at Half Price Books in Maplewood. They had a used copy of TI3 for $200. That feels excessive." }, { "id": 300, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "shares": [ "UR_7" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 301, "type": "undo", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 302, "shares": [ "IR_6" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 303 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 304, "message": "Kraftwerk was going to have played the Armory" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 305, "message": "Oooh, that does feel excessive. Though my group bought just the second expansion for $120 a couple years ago. (It was OoP and then the bastitches at FF released a new edition six months later.)" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 306 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 307, "message": "They have weird prices. Sometimes, you see something that like that feels way overpriced and then sometimes things that are way underpriced. " }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 308, "message": "Sorry about Kraftwerk. That would have been an intense show. Have you seen them before?" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 309, "shares": [ "UR_7" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 310 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 311, "message": "I did a thing there." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 312, "message": "eBay has TI3 for $65 used and $100 new in shrink, so yeah, $200 feels heavy." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 313, "message": "That was a thing that happened! :)" }, { "id": 314, "type": "undo", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 315, "type": "redo", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 316, "message": "Damn, all of the cool kids are buying UR! I may have missed my window!" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 317, "shares": [ "KO_8" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 318 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 319, "message": "Haven't seen Kraftwerk, no. " }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 320, "shares": [ "IR_7" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 321 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 322, "message": "Also have Tix to see Pet Shop Boys & New Order at the armory. That one is rescheduled for Oct 21 so hopefully COVID will be in our rearview by then" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 323, "message": "I mean October 2021" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 324, "message": "Was it just the base TI? Maybe it had the expansions. That would be less ridiculous, although the 4th edition has all the expansion species in the base game for <$200." }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 325, "shares": [ "KO_2", "KO_4" ], "percent": 20 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 326, "shares": [ "AR_3" ] }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 327, "message": "Jesus, I hope this nonsense is all over by 2021. I can’t fathom another 15 more months of this." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 328 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 329, "message": "It didn’t say any expansions, so I assume only base game. To be fair to them, that box LOOKS like it should be $200, so I get it, I guess." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 330, "message": "I HATE selling shares of my own company, but I don’t know if I can wait two turns to make my vision a reality." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 331, "message": "Yeah, I hear you. No (or minimal) cases in Finland now." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 332, "message": "Now you just have to wait for the rest of the world to let us dirty Americans travel internationally to there again..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 333, "message": "Yeah, that will happen when our provost sends a one paragraph email." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 334, "message": "That’s very inside baseball, but it really made me laugh." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 335, "message": "Not as funny: Not funding the tenure track stats position again until who TF knows when... that whole thing bummed me out." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 336, "message": " Sorry Lewis and Fran for the inside talk - I couldn't help myself!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 337, "message": "But yeah, I hear you Christopher." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 338 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 339, "message": "Pretty quick all these train companies are gonna be down in the yellow 😆" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 340, "message": "I shouldn’t move left, but I am moving down more than I might like. 😆" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 341, "message": "I understood her email, but I might have left out the “bigger department” bit at the end. That was a kick in the ribs." }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 342, "shares": [ "IR_6", "IR_7" ], "percent": 20 }, { "type": "sell_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 343, "shares": [ "UR_2", "UR_4", "UR_5" ], "percent": 30 }, { "type": "par", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 344, "corporation": "SR", "share_price": "80,2,3" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 345 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 346, "message": "Ahh retribution." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 347, "message": "I didn’t expect to see someone else awake at 3:49" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 348, "message": "A joy of perimenopause " }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 349, "message": "Hmmm... what’s my excuse?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 350, "message": "I thought I'd get one OR of earning with my trains before Lewis bailed. Isn't there something about buying and selling the same stocks during a SR?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 351, "message": "(Of course, I don’t mean excuse in any negative or pejorative way, rather as a synonym for rationale.)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 352, "message": "You can buy and then sell... but you can’t sell then buy." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 353, "message": "You can’t arbitrage shares, lowering the price yourself to buy them back in the same round cheaper." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 354, "message": "That makes sense" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 355, "message": "Kinda... it seems a little weird to buy and then sell immediately in the same round from a real life standpoint, but manipulating price and turn order is probably something I don’t utilize enough in these games..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 356, "message": "I don't blame you, Lewis, for this strategy. I would have done the same!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 357, "message": "When I have tried it in the past, I never get the timing right and either get stuck with the company or lose money on the deal." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 358, "message": "I hope it pays off." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 359 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 360, "message": "SR was at the bottom" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 361, "message": "Of my decision tree, though." }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 362 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 363, "message": "Pass me for the rest of the stock round please" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 364, "message": "I’m passing also... do your thing whenever you can, Lewis." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 365, "message": "\"do your thing\" have me the mental picture of Lewis dancing." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 366, "message": "gave" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 367, "message": "Pass me too please." }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 368, "shares": [ "SR_1" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 369 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 370 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 371 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 372 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 373, "shares": [ "SR_2" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 374 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 375 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 376 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 377 }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 378, "shares": [ "SR_3" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 379 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 380 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 381 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 382 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "ilLewissimo", "entity_type": "player", "id": 383 }, { "type": "buy_company", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 384, "company": "MF", "price": 60 }, { "id": 385, "hex": "K8", "tile": "57-0", "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "AR", "rotation": 1, "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 386, "type": "undo", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 387, "hex": "K8", "tile": "57-0", "rotation": 1 }, { "id": 388, "type": "buy_train", "price": 300, "train": "4-0", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 389, "type": "undo", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 390, "train": "2-1", "price": 250 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 391, "train": "4-0", "price": 300 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 392 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 393 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 394, "hex": "H13", "tile": "9-2", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 395 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 396, "routes": [ { "train": "3-1", "connections": [ [ "F9", "G8", "H7" ], [ "F9", "G10" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 397, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 398, "train": "4-1", "price": 300 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 399 }, { "type": "buy_company", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 400, "company": "SIR", "price": 40 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 401, "hex": "B11", "tile": "58-2", "rotation": 2 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 402, "routes": [ { "train": "3-2", "connections": [ [ "B7", "B5", "C4" ], [ "B7", "C8", "C10" ] ] }, { "train": "3-3", "connections": [ [ "C10", "B11" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 403, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 404 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 405, "hex": "C8", "tile": "23-0", "rotation": 2 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 406, "routes": [ { "train": "3-0", "connections": [ [ "B7", "B5", "C4" ], [ "C4", "D3", "E2" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 407, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 408, "train": "4-2", "price": 300 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 409 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 410, "hex": "I2", "tile": "6-1", "rotation": 4 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 411, "train": "4-3", "price": 300 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 412 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 413, "message": "5Ts!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 414, "message": "things are gettin' cookin'!" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 415, "hex": "K6", "tile": "24-0", "rotation": 3 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 416, "message": "Also, I love maps." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 417, "message": "Best part of this game imho" }, { "id": 418, "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "routes": [ { "train": "3-4", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K6", "K4" ], [ "J1", "J3", "K4" ] ] } ], "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 419, "kind": "payout", "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 420, "type": "pass", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 421, "type": "undo", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 422, "message": "Christopher, you could have run that for 90" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 423, "message": "Dammit! I mistimed it again*. I never got to lay my ferry tile! For some reason, it would not let me earlier. I think 1889 is more particular about not using it when you buy it in. 🙁" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 424, "message": "Kotohira - Ritsurin - Takamatsu" }, { "id": 425, "type": "undo", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 426, "message": "Yep. We are not in browns (yet). Good catch." }, { "id": 427, "type": "undo", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 428, "message": "I want my 1 yen, mna" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 429, "message": "man" }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 430, "routes": [ { "train": "3-4", "connections": [ [ "J5", "K4" ], [ "J5", "I4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 431, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 432, "train": "5-0", "price": 450 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 433, "message": "That is another downfall of playing electronically. We would have just permitted a tile lay out of turn if we were in person" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 434, "hex": "D9", "tile": "8-4", "rotation": 2 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 435, "message": "It might be against the rules; it might be interface. I’ll have to look it up." }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 436, "city": "15-0-0", "slot": 1 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 437, "train": "5-1", "price": 450 }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 438, "train": "3-0", "price": 270 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "drfr4n", "entity_type": "player", "id": 439, "message": "John's mountains-for-free skill is going to be a whopper pretty damn soon" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player", "id": 440, "message": "Wait, are companies done? My plans!" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 441, "hex": "E8", "tile": "8-3", "rotation": 5 }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 442, "city": "B7-0-0", "slot": 1 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 443, "routes": [ { "train": "3-1", "connections": [ [ "B7", "B5", "C4" ], [ "B7", "C8", "D9", "E8", "F9" ] ] }, { "train": "4-1", "connections": [ [ "G10", "G12" ], [ "F9", "G10" ], [ "F9", "G8", "H7" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "TR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 444, "kind": "withhold" }, { "id": 445, "hex": "A10", "tile": "5-1", "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KU", "rotation": 4, "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "id": 446, "type": "undo", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 447, "hex": "A10", "tile": "5-1", "rotation": 4 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 448, "routes": [ { "train": "3-2", "connections": [ [ "C10", "B11" ], [ "B11", "A10" ] ] }, { "train": "3-3", "connections": [ [ "C10", "C8", "B7" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KU", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 449, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 450, "hex": "B5", "tile": "23-1", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 451, "routes": [ { "train": "4-2", "connections": [ [ "C4", "B5", "B7" ], [ "C4", "D3", "E2" ], [ "F1", "E2" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 452, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "buy_train", "entity": "IR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 453, "train": "5-2", "price": 450 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 454, "hex": "K8", "tile": "15-1", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 455 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 456, "routes": [ { "train": "4-0", "connections": [ [ "J1", "J3", "K4" ], [ "K4", "K6", "K8" ], [ "L7", "K8" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 457, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "AR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 458 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 459, "hex": "K4", "tile": "466-0", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 460, "routes": [ { "train": "3-4", "connections": [ [ "J5", "K4" ], [ "J5", "I4" ] ] }, { "train": "5-0", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K8" ], [ "K8", "K6", "K4" ], [ "J1", "J3", "K4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "KO", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 461, "kind": "payout" }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 462, "hex": "I4", "tile": "439-0", "rotation": 1 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 463, "message": "OK, so there might be a bug: I tried to lay the harbor tile and couldn’t... and now can’t lay any tile there. " }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 464, "city": "466-0-0", "slot": 1 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 465, "routes": [ { "train": "4-3", "connections": [ [ "L7", "K8" ], [ "K8", "K6", "K4" ], [ "J1", "J3", "K4" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 466, "kind": "withhold" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 467 }, { "type": "lay_tile", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 468, "hex": "H7", "tile": "205-0", "rotation": 0 }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 469, "city": "205-0-0", "slot": 0 }, { "type": "run_routes", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 470, "routes": [ { "train": "5-1", "connections": [ [ "F1", "E2" ], [ "C4", "D3", "E2" ], [ "B3", "C4" ], [ "B3", "B5", "B7" ] ] }, { "train": "3-0", "connections": [ [ "B7", "C8", "D9", "E8", "F9" ], [ "F9", "G8", "H7" ] ] } ] }, { "type": "dividend", "entity": "UR", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 471, "kind": "payout" }, { "id": 472, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "shares": [ "KO_1" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 473, "type": "undo", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 474, "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "shares": [ "UR_2" ], "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 475, "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 476, "type": "undo", "entity": "conifer24", "entity_type": "player" }, { "id": 477, "type": "undo", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "buy_shares", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 478, "shares": [ "KO_1" ] }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 479 } ], "id": "hs_ynoawozf_4292", "description": "Cloned from game 4292", "user": { "id": 0, "name": "You" }, "players": [ { "id": 1096, "name": "drfr4n" }, { "id": 2660, "name": "ilLewissimo" }, { "id": 606, "name": "SmithInMN" }, { "id": 1072, "name": "conifer24" } ], "max_players": 4, "title": "1889", "settings": { "seed": 2.4619498904278785e+38 }, "turn": 6, "round": "Stock Round", "acting": [ 1072 ], "result": {}, "loaded": true, "created_at": "2020-07-23", "updated_at": 1595558747, "mode": "hotseat" }

tobymao commented 4 years ago

there are no tiles available for you to lay you need a gentle town but they are all out

SmithInMN commented 4 years ago

there are no tiles available for you to lay you need a gentle town but they are all out

Why was I not able to lay the ferry tile after I bought it in? Can the tile not be laid on the same turn?

tobymao commented 4 years ago

"Player owner may place the port tile on a coastal town (B11, G10, I12, or J9) without a tile on it already, outside of the operating rounds of a corporation controlled by another player."

You have to lay it before you buy it in.

On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 9:34 PM SmithInMN wrote:

there are no tiles available for you to lay you need a gentle town but they are all out

Why was I not able to lay the ferry tile after I bought it in? Can the tile not be laid on the same turn?

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