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[1817] Pittsburgh Steel Mill not available to buy in #2301

Closed SmithInMN closed 3 years ago

SmithInMN commented 3 years ago

I just won the auction -- which another player started -- for a company in Pittsburgh. Pitt Steel Mill is not available to buy in to the company. Other privates are and I do own PSM.

{ "id": 15812, "description": "TC18XX Bug hunting and Learning game", "user": { "id": 606, "name": "SmithInMN" }, "players": [ { "id": 529, "name": "Akado" }, { "id": 2336, "name": "jerryyeti" }, { "id": 2843, "name": "joeD" }, { "id": 606, "name": "SmithInMN" } ], "max_players": 5, "title": "1817", "settings": { "seed": 1581348753, "unlisted": true, "optional_rules": [] }, "user_settings": null, "status": "active", "turn": 1, "round": "Stock Round", "acting": [ 606 ], "result": {}, "actions": [ { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 1, "message": "all right...gonna try something out in hotseat, see what happens when seed money runs out" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 2, "message": "unlesss bug, if there's no more seed money. ya gotta cover the entire cost for what ever the bid is" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 3, "message": "yeah, was just seeing edge cases" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 4, "message": "gotcha" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 5, "message": "if you run out of money because you're dumb, you can still try to start opening bids, you just get lots of errors" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 6, "message": "but no game crash" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 7, "company": "TS", "price": 25 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 8, "message": "Private auction is pretty automated... if you run out of cash/have insufficient cash, it will just skip right over you." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 9, "message": "yep, just making sure that it worked for weird cases in 1817" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 10, "message": "in case they broke it specifically for here" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 11, "message": "This is the one part that has always, for the most part, worked. I've played through a number of stupid things in this auction. Past this, any number of things might go wrong, including a full and complete crash, but this has always worked!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 12, "message": "cool" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 13, "message": "I don't know how much anyone knows about 1817, so I won't over-explain anything, but if you're not sure about something, say something and we'll get it sorted." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 14, "message": "I'm foggy in some areas, but I think I have a good general idea" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 15, "message": "I know what can be done, I have no idea how any of it helps me win" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 16, "message": "or why I shouldn't have done -that- action right -then-" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 17, "company": "TS", "price": 30 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 18, "company": "TS", "price": 35 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 19, "company": "TS", "price": 40 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 20, "company": "TS", "price": 60 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 21, "message": "I’ve only watched the bankruptcy club video... so if I go bankrupt that’s why" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 22, "message": "heh" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 23, "company": "TS", "price": 65 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 24 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 25, "message": "i have a feeling 3 of us will be vying for that \"first to bankrupt\" trophy" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 26, "message": "and chris will just be laughing his butt off" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 27, "company": "TS", "price": 70 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 28, "message": "Thanks for waiting." }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 29, "company": "TS", "price": 75 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 30 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 31 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 32, "message": "Hell no... That's a serious over-estimation of me and we all know it!" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 33, "company": "PSM", "price": 20 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 34, "company": "PSM", "price": 25 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 35, "company": "PSM", "price": 30 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 36, "company": "PSM", "price": 35 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 37, "company": "PSM", "price": 40 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 38, "company": "PSM", "price": 45 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 39, "company": "PSM", "price": 50 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 40 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 41 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 42 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 43, "company": "UBC", "price": 20 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 44, "company": "UBC", "price": 25 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 45, "company": "UBC", "price": 55 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 46, "message": "Damn!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 47, "message": "... and I'll raise you $30!" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 48, "company": "UBC", "price": 60 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 49, "message": "I like to move it, move it" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 50, "company": "UBC", "price": 65 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 51 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 52, "company": "UBC", "price": 70 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 53, "message": "Are the two bridge cos essentially the same?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 54, "message": "Yep except for number of tokens." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 55, "message": "one \"+$10\" token vs two" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 56 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 57, "company": "UBC", "price": 75 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 58 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 59, "company": "MAJM", "price": 90 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 60, "company": "MAJM", "price": 95 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 61, "message": "I did notice the tooltips + error message if you try to bid $96" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 62, "company": "MAJM", "price": 100 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 63, "message": "err, i mean...who would try such a thing?!" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 64, "company": "MAJM", "price": 105 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 65, "company": "MAJM", "price": 110 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 66 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 67, "message": "An a**hole, that's who. :)" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 68, "company": "MAJM", "price": 115 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 69 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 70, "company": "MAJM", "price": 120 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 71, "message": "clearly" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 72 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 73, "company": "CM", "price": 35 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 74, "message": "What has two thumbs and is overpaying? :)" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 75, "company": "CM", "price": 40 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 76, "company": "CM", "price": 45 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 77 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 78, "message": "two half-completed robots?" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 79, "company": "CM", "price": 50 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 80, "company": "CM", "price": 60 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 81 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 82 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 83, "message": "I thought these were supposed to go for 80%ish of their face value. :-)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 84, "message": "Oh, they are! " }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 85, "company": "MAIL", "price": 70 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 86, "company": "MAIL", "price": 75 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 87, "message": "I'm totally overbidding... No idea why. :)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 88, "message": "eh" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 89, "company": "MAIL", "price": 80 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 90, "message": "from what i hear, the small ones go for face+, whereas the big ones can go for 80-100%" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 91, "company": "MAIL", "price": 85 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 92, "message": "paying face = free power for a company, so it's not a bad thing" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 93, "message": "its' just not free money (if the bank chips in)" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 94, "company": "MAIL", "price": 90 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 95 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 96 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 97 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 98, "company": "MINM", "price": 35 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 99, "company": "MINM", "price": 40 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 100, "company": "MINM", "price": 50 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 101 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 102, "company": "MINM", "price": 55 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 103 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 104, "company": "MINM", "price": 60 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 105, "company": "MINM", "price": 65 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 106 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 107, "company": "MINC", "price": 20 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 108, "company": "MINC", "price": 25 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 109 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 110, "company": "MINC", "price": 30 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 111 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 112 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 113, "message": "I could not imagine doing this auction async with people making 2-3 moves a day. It would take forever." }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 114, "company": "OBC", "price": 30 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 115, "message": "especially when you throw in time zone differences" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 116, "message": "Oof." }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 117, "company": "OBC", "price": 35 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 118 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 119 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 120, "company": "OBC", "price": 40 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 121 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 122, "message": "Two left!" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 123, "company": "ME", "price": 35 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 124, "company": "ME", "price": 40 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 125 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 126 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 127 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 128 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 129, "company": "MAJC", "price": 60 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 130, "company": "MAJC", "price": 70 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 131 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 132 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 133, "company": "MAJC", "price": 75 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 134, "company": "MAJC", "price": 80 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 135, "company": "MAJC", "price": 85 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 136, "company": "MAJC", "price": 90 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 137, "company": "MAJC", "price": 95 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 138, "message": "bahhhh. If y'all had just let me get $10 more in seed money, I could have floated three companies for $110 each" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 139 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 140, "corporation": "H", "price": 110 }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "H", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 141, "city": "H9-2-0", "slot": 0 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 142, "message": "\"You like auctions? Cause this game has them!\"" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 143, "message": "yuuuup" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 144, "message": "I see you like auctions, so I put auctions in your auctions" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 145 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 146, "message": "I always read that as Miskatonic and expect Cthulhu to appear on your railroad." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 147, "message": "^" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 148, "message": "Auztrailia, yo" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 149 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 150 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 151, "message": "am I expected to start one or two companies?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 152, "message": "i vote for two" }, { "type": "assign", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 153, "target": "OBC", "target_type": "company" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 154, "message": "first companies are 2-share companies, so you get 100% (unless you halfpay)" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 155, "message": "I would say at least two." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 156, "message": "i don't think anyone can start 3?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 157, "message": "ohhh, right, $100 companies" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 158, "message": "* Generally at least two." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 159, "message": "My approach is to generally start a number of companies between two and two." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 160, "message": "haha" }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 161, "corporation": "Bess", "price": 100 }, { "type": "place_token", "entity": "Bess", "entity_type": "corporation", "id": 162, "city": "F13-5-0", "slot": 0 }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 163, "message": "if you can start 3, i think that's really good, but i don't know how to not die in a horrible rusty fire later with 3 companies" }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 164 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 165, "corporation": "Bess", "price": 105 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 166 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 167, "corporation": "Bess", "price": 110 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 168, "corporation": "Bess", "price": 115 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 169, "corporation": "Bess", "price": 120 }, { "type": "bid", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 170, "corporation": "Bess", "price": 125 }, { "type": "pass", "entity": "jerryyeti", "entity_type": "player", "id": 171 }, { "id": 172, "type": "assign", "entity": "SmithInMN", "target": "MAJC", "entity_type": "player", "target_type": "company" }, { "id": 173, "type": "undo", "user": "SmithInMN", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 174, "message": "Wait... that's weird... Why can't I buy in the Pittsburgh Steel Mill?? That was the whole purpose of bidding on that!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 175, "message": "that is..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 176, "message": "i swore i saw you buy it in" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 177, "message": "yeah it's there" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 178, "message": "refresh" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 179, "message": "I did refresh... It's not there." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 180, "message": "Damn, that's weird!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 181, "message": "Hang on..." }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 182, "message": "think it's a bug, that you didn't start the bid on Bess or something?" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "joeD", "entity_type": "player", "id": 183, "message": "I mean it's there under your player box. I don't see it to buy in though" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "SmithInMN", "entity_type": "player", "id": 184, "message": "I just closed the tab and reopened it... Well, first bug found! Gimme a second to report it!" }, { "type": "message", "entity": "Akado", "entity_type": "player", "id": 185, "message": "cool" } ], "loaded": true, "created_at": 1605123983, "updated_at": 1605280278 }

jenf commented 3 years ago

Cash $15
Value $295
Liquidity $15
Bid Power $175
Certs 1/16

Pittsburgh Steel Mill $40 Major Mail Contract $120 Major Coal Mine (3/3) $90

Bid was won at $125, so privates + cash options give you =15+40 < 125 = 0+90+40 >130 = 0+120+40 > 160

There's no legal way at a bid of 125 that cash + privates can be made including the 40 for Pittsburgh

Not showing Pittsburgh is correct behavior Correct behavior

SmithInMN commented 3 years ago

Fair point. Embarrassingly, never even considered that. Thanks.

jenf commented 3 years ago

We never considered it when first implementing it leading to problems :)