tobyweston / temperature-machine

Data logger for multiple DS18B20 temperature sensors on one or more machines
Apache License 2.0
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Error message: This site can't be reached #20

Closed Cloudedhouse closed 6 years ago

Cloudedhouse commented 6 years ago

I've tried this on a Pi B, that should work shouldn't it?

It was all going so well until the very last step ... IPaddress:11900 This site can't be reached.

port 11900 doesn't appear to be open.

Any ideas anyone?

Many thanks

singh763173 commented 6 years ago

+1 on this.

Followed all the steps to a T but not presented with the landing page when pointing to port 11900 in the browser.

Pi Zero W User

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Can you post the logs?

cat ~/code/temperature-machine/temperature-machine.log

You followed the instructions from ? Which method were you using?

How are you starting it up? Are you adding the start command to /etc/rc.local or running it directly from the shell? What output do you get when you run it from the shell? The start command should be something like / garage bedroom where garage and bedroom are the target RRDs.

You could also try (and report back) the following from the terminal if you think the server is running (with the hostname / IP of the temperature-machine server).


It avoids the browser so may give more insight in terms of what it returns.

Cloudedhouse commented 6 years ago


Thanks for you help on this, it's a while since I set this up so I can't quite remember the details

I followed these instructions

This is the message I get

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat ~/code/temperature-machine/temperature-machine.log
Error: Unable to access jarfile target/scala-2.12/temperature-machine-2.1.jar

Thanks again


tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Ok, well there's some more up-to-date / canonical docs on the site I mentioned. If you'd had a go from the blog instructions, you'd tried to build from source. There's other options now (i.e. get a pre-installed distro). Re-read the instructions on Getting Starting > Building from source on the site in case anything changed.

I suspect the compile stage failed for you and you don't have the jar file it needs. Check with ls -la ~/code/temperature-machine/target/scala-2.12 and see if there's any JAR files there.

Anyway, stick with what you've got and do the following.

cd ~/code/temperature-machine
git pull
time sbt assembly 

You might try adding -J-Xmx512m if you have memory problems.

SBT will fail a lot on the Pi, I think due to lack of resources so you may need to run it several times (2 usually works for me) to actually get it to generate the JAR file. Look for errors like #19 and terminated processes and don't continue until you have the JAR generated in the target folder. No JAR = No temperature-machine.

singh763173 commented 6 years ago

Hi Toby - I built from source from the blog and the new site you linked.

I found that I had to run sbt assembly twice but i can confirm i have the temperature-machine-2.1.jar file in the scala2.12 folder. @Cloudedhouse you may want to try this if you haven't already

I've added the output from the logs below:

pi@TempMonitor01:~/code/temperature-machine $ cat ~/code/temperature-machine/temperature-machine.log Starting temperature-machine (server mode)... RRD initialising for 'TempMonitor', 'TempMonitor' (with up to 5 sensors each)...Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Datasource already defined: DS:TempMonitor-sensor-1:GAUGE:35:U:U at org.rrd4j.core.RrdDef.addDatasource( at bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RrdFile.$anonfun$create$2(RrdFile.scala:38) at scala.collection.immutable.Range.foreach$mVc$sp(Range.scala:156) at bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RrdFile.$anonfun$create$1(RrdFile.scala:37) at bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RrdFile.$anonfun$create$1$adapted(RrdFile.scala:37) at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389) at bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RrdFile.create(RrdFile.scala:37) at bad.robot.temperature.task.Tasks$.$anonfun$init$3(Tasks.scala:20) at bad.robot.temperature.task.Tasks$.$anonfun$init$3$adapted(Tasks.scala:19) at scalaz.concurrent.Task.$anonfun$map$3(Task.scala:42) at scalaz.concurrent.Task$.Try(Task.scala:457) at scalaz.concurrent.Task.$anonfun$map$2(Task.scala:42) at scalaz.$bslash$div.flatMap(Either.scala:135) at scalaz.concurrent.Task.$anonfun$map$1(Task.scala:42) at scala.Function1.$anonfun$andThen$1(Function1.scala:52) at scala.Function1.$anonfun$andThen$1(Function1.scala:52) at scalaz.concurrent.Future.$anonfun$flatMap$1(Future.scala:58) at scalaz.concurrent.Future.step(Future.scala:118) at scalaz.concurrent.Future.unsafePerformListen(Future.scala:75) at scalaz.concurrent.Future.unsafePerformAsync(Future.scala:159) at scalaz.concurrent.Future.unsafePerformSync(Future.scala:184) at scalaz.concurrent.Task.unsafePerformSync(Task.scala:99) at bad.robot.temperature.ds18b20.SensorFile$.findSensorsAndExecute(SensorFile.scala:28) at bad.robot.temperature.server.Server$.delayedEndpoint$bad$robot$temperature$server$Server$1(Server.scala:61) at bad.robot.temperature.server.Server$delayedInit$body.apply(Server.scala:13) at scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp(Function0.scala:34) at scala.Function0.apply$mcV$sp$(Function0.scala:34) at scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp(AbstractFunction0.scala:12) at scala.App.$anonfun$main$1$adapted(App.scala:76) at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:389) at scala.App.main(App.scala:76) at scala.App.main$(App.scala:74) at bad.robot.temperature.server.Server$.main(Server.scala:13) at bad.robot.temperature.server.Server.main(Server.scala)

I ran the curl command and got nothing.

Thanks in advance.

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

@singh763173 it looks like you're trying to create two RRDs with the same name, TempMonitor.

Is that the name of your machine? Are you running just one machine? What's your start-up command? Have you got TempMonitor anywhere twice?

FYI curl will return nothing as the server isn't starting up. Good start verifying the JAR file actually exsits but you'll need to look for the following in the log file to verify the server has actually started. Once you see this, you should be good to go.

HTTP Server started on
singh763173 commented 6 years ago

@tobyweston bingo!

I had su pi -c 'cd /home/pi/code/temperature-machine && ./ TempMonitor01 TempMonitor02 &' in my rc.local file (i intended on having two devices but only one at the moment)

I've just removed the second hostname and it's now working!

Thank you for your help with getting this working - greatly appreciated!!

Probably for another ticket but is it straight forward to add a graph with a years view?

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

Great stuff! 🥇 👍

There is a character limit imposed by RRD which I think is 11 characters, that would mean your names got truncated to duplicates. If you add a machine later, you'll need a more unique name.

It's a good idea to put the RRDs in place now though. If you add study, garage, outside, bedroom whatever now but only use one, it'll mean you wont have to delete the RRD (basically the ~/.temperature folder in the future. If you don't and only setup one RRD now and then want to add another later, you'll have to blast the folder. It's a constraint on the RRD library I'm using I'm afraid :(

tobyweston commented 6 years ago

@singh763173 sounds like you're good to go, how about you @Cloudedhouse? Any joy?

Cloudedhouse commented 6 years ago

No sorry Toby, SBT has failed for me probably 10 - 12 times. Pasted below is the last of 100's of error messages.

Perhaps a Pi B isn't man enough?

[warn] Strategy 'discard' was applied to a file
[info] Assembly up to date: /home/pi/.sbt/0.13/staging/695479af9da4737401a3/temperature-machine/site/target/scala-2.10/site-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[error] Error: Total 127, Failed 0, Errors 25, Passed 102
[error] Error during tests:
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.server.HttpServerTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.server.TemperatureEndpointTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RrdDbOpsTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.server.EitherToResponseTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.ErrorOnTemperatureSpikeTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.XmlTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.HostTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.PercentageDifferenceTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.client.HttpUploadTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.ds18b20.SensorReaderTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.IpAddressTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.ds18b20.ParserTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.MeasurementTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.RecordTemperatureTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.IgnoreTemperatureSpikesTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.server.DiscoveryServerTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.task.SchedulerTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.ChartJsonTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.server.ConnectionsEndpointTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.SensorReadingTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.ds18b20.SensorFileTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.TemperatureTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.RpnGeneratorTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.SecondsTest
[error]         bad.robot.temperature.rrd.ArchiveTest
[error] (temperature-machine/test:test) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful
[error] Total time: 288 s, completed 31-Oct-2017 19:44:19

real    7m24.395s
user    6m25.270s
sys     0m23.100s
tobyweston commented 6 years ago

@Cloudedhouse this looks more fundamental than SBT just flaking out. Some actual tests are failing (presumably consistently). The JAR file won't build if there are failing tests.

You could try a couple of things.

  1. Update to the latest source code with git pull and try again. You can run sbt test to just compile and run the tests and get an idea if they'll at least pass.

  2. Build from source on another machine then manually copy the JAR file over to target/scala-2.12. I do this when i'm developing/testing. You can run a command like scp target/scala-2.12/temperature-machine-2.1.jar pi@YOUR_PI:/home/pi/code/temperature-machine/target/scala-2.12 once you've created the JAR locally.

I'm working on a 2.1 release. When that's done, I'll package it up as a JAR for easier download and have a think how better to distribute things. In hindsight, asking people to compile on a Pi is a bit silly!

Cloudedhouse commented 6 years ago

Good news Toby, I started over again but with a Pi 3. Worked perfectly first time, so I think I've answered my own question, no it won't work on a Pi B.

Thanks for creating and sharing the temperature machine it's exactly what I have been looking for for a long time.